for Au Pair Agency
Agent Au Pair
06511, New Haven, USA
The Au Pair Agency Agent Au Pair is a trusted member of AuPair.com. Verified safety, quality and transparency guarantee a highly reliable Au Pair placement.

This certificate is issued based on the following quality criteria:
  • Agency meets the legal requirements and is officially authorized to place Au Pairs.
  • Running an emergency telephone number for Au Pairs and Host Families.
  • Providing at least two recommendations from other certified Au Pair agencies.
  • Maintaining a website with all the information about their Au Pair Programs as well as providing a valid address and phone number for contact.
  • Having an email address and social media accounts to keep in touch with their Au Pairs and Host Families.

Au Pair Agency Agent Au Pair Placement Services:
☑ Au Pair, ☑ Au Pair Plus, ☑ Live In Au Pair
Certificate valid until: 01 Jul 2025
Rafael Bujara, CEO AuPair.com
Cologne, Germany