GlobalYouth Aupair in China - 互惠生代理机构, Chengdu 中国

GlobalYouth Au Pair Program In China. For Free!!!

Please follow our Instagram: globalyouth_aupair and DM for more info~


GlobalYouth designs educational travel opportunities for students and young professionals, guided by the essence of our name, symbolizing a profound passion to explore, understand, and engage with various cultures across the globe.

Our organization seamlessly integrates travel with educational exchange through diverse programs. Participants can immerse themselves in opportunities to learn Mandarin, contribute as an English au pair, volunteer with children, serve as a cultural ambassador. Every program we offer emphasizes cultural immersion, providing firsthand experiences in China that foster meaningful understanding and exchange.

GlobalYouth is committed to delivering authentic and high-quality cultural experiences, aimed at bridging cultural gaps. Our initiatives inspire participants to cultivate self-awareness and develop the cross-cultural competencies essential for becoming proactive contributors to the global community.

At GlobalYouth Aupair, we are more than just an au pair agency—we are committed to supporting you beyond your au pair journey. Many of our former au pairs have successfully transitioned into study and work opportunities in China with our help. Whether you plan to explore career options in China in the future or need guidance during your stay, we are here to assist you every step of the way.

Program Overview:

Locations of Host Families: Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Chongqing, Hangzhou, etc., China
Program Duration: 3 to 12 months

You Provide:

30-35 hours of childcare per week

You Receive:

2000+RMB pocket money(from host family) + ticket stipend per month (up to 12000 RMB)
7 hours of Mandarin classes per week
1-2 days off each week
Cultural activities each month
Airport pick-up & Orientation
International insurance
Visa application & renewal fee reimbursement

Eligibility Requirements:

Aged between 18-30 years
Completion of secondary school
Proficiency in English
Absence of criminal record
Willingness to accept and embrace cultural differences
Capability to teach English

WhatsApp:+86 193 0149 5302


Countries you want to work


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No. 888, South Tianfu Avenue, Huayang Street, Tianfu New Dis
610000, 中国