互惠生ID号 1535943

能关心并让孩子们参与 辅导作业, 阅读, 手工制作, 绘图和切割, 数字和计数, 字母与听力, 思维游戏与活动, 歌曲和诗歌

数学, 化学, 生物

我的国籍是 美国人 | 阅读更多 ⇩

全名 Victoria

城市/省 Saint Augustine/佛罗里达州

国家 美国

开始 三月 2024 - 八月 2024

我想呆多久? 1-6 月

我能说得很好的语言 英语 (母语)

最后一次操作 14 三月 2024


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Dear future family,

I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Victoria, and I am writing to express my sincere interest in becoming an Au Pair and Live-in Tutor with your family. I believe that my unique combination of skills, experiences, and genuine passion for childcare and education make me an ideal candidate for this position.

Over the past nine years, I have dedicated myself to working with children of all ages as a babysitter and nanny. This journey has been incredibly rewarding, allowing me to witness the growth and development of numerous young minds. I thoroughly enjoy engaging in various activities such as crafts, teaching, and outdoor adventures, fostering not only their creativity but also their overall well-being.

In addition to my extensive childcare experience, I have established and managed my tutoring company in Florida, catering to students from elementary school to college level. This venture has equipped me with valuable insights into effective teaching methods, curriculum development, and individualized learning strategies. I am confident that my expertise in education will contribute positively to the academic growth and enrichment of your children.

Furthermore, my background in healthcare as a certified nursing assistant adds an extra layer of responsibility and care to my approach. With five years of experience in the healthcare sector, I have honed my ability to prioritize safety and well-being, skills that are crucial when taking care of children. Moreover, I have completed CPR training and first aid certification, ensuring that I can respond effectively to any unexpected situations.

I am particularly drawn to the opportunity to be an Au Pair and Live-in Tutor with your family because of the warm and nurturing environment you provide. Your commitment to creating a loving home aligns perfectly with my own values. I believe that my diverse skill set, genuine love for children, and commitment to their holistic development make me an excellent fit for your family.

I am enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your family and contributing to the well-being and growth of your children. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss my candidacy further and to learn more about your family.

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My time as a Nanny and Tutor has been a profoundly enriching experience, both personally and professionally. Living in a foreign country has exposed me to diverse cultures, fostering a deep appreciation for global perspectives. My role involves not only comprehensive childcare but also actively contributing to the educational development of the children under my care. Forming strong connections with both the children and their parents, I've become an integral part of the family unit, sharing in their daily experiences and creating lasting memories through shared adventures.

The prospect of becoming a Nanny and Tutor abroad holds immense appeal for me. The opportunity to immerse myself in a new cultural setting, learn a different language, and contribute to the lives of children on an international scale aligns seamlessly with my passion for cultural enrichment and educational development. Professionally, working abroad would broaden my perspective on childcare and education, incorporating diverse teaching methods and best practices from around the world into my skill set. Additionally, the adventure of exploring a new country and participating in its cultural events is an exciting prospect that I eagerly anticipate. In essence, the combination of personal and professional growth, cultural immersion, and the thrill of international exploration makes the role of a Nanny and Tutor abroad a compelling and rewarding next step in my journey.
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非吸烟者您参加国急救训练吗? - 是您会游泳吗? - 是您会骑自行车吗? - 是您有驾照吗? - 是,有经验的



您有驾照吗? 是,有经验的





您现在的职业是? 护士

我的学历是 大学

Language Knowledge

英语: 母语, 自从 20 年
西班牙语: 入门 (A1), 自从 3 年

关于运动的知识  Ballet

您的宗教是 基督教徒

宗教对于我来说 不重要

特殊的饮食习惯 没有饮食的禁忌

任何健康问题或过敏反应 none

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可以加班并获得加班费吗? - 是可以照看残疾儿童吗? - 是可以住在有宠物的家庭里吗? - 是可以照看宠物吗? - 是

我想工作的国家 加拿大, 希腊, 摩纳哥, 新西兰 & 西班牙

首选的地区? 大城市

我想呆多久? 1-6 月

最早开始的日期 三月 2024

最晚开始的日期 八月 2024




我可以照看的儿童年龄是 新生儿, 1-5岁, 6-10岁, 11-14岁

我有多长儿童看护的经验? 100 - 200

我能照看的最多儿童为? 2

我可以为单亲家庭工作 是,单亲母亲



可以让孩子参与这些活动 辅导作业, 阅读, 手工制作, 绘图和切割, 数字和计数, 字母与听力, 思维游戏与活动, 歌曲和诗歌

可以教 数学, 化学, 生物

学生年龄 幼儿 (2-3), 学龄前儿童 (4-5), 小学生 (6-12), 青少年 (13-17)

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