au pair

Franciely 来自Bertioga 巴西提供育儿服务 - 1583108


寻找住在São Paulo巴西的Au Pair

Henrique, 19办公室文员来自São Paulo, São Paulo, 巴西 寻找一份互惠生 & 家庭教师奥地利, 德国, 荷兰, 英国, 芬兰 的工作

Henrique不抽烟 Henrique会骑自行车 Henrique可以照顾宠物
❱ 四月 2024 - 六月 2024 (1-4 月)
英语熟练(C2) 葡萄牙语母语 德语中级(B1)

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Nathaly, 18管理人员来自Embu das Artes, São Paulo, 博茨瓦纳 寻找一份互惠生 & 保姆德国, 西班牙, 法国, 意大利, 卢森堡 的工作

Nathaly不抽烟 Nathaly不抽烟 Nathaly会骑自行车 Nathaly可以照顾宠物 Nathaly有急救认证
❱ 四月 2024 - 十月 2024 (10-12 月)
英语基础(A2) 葡萄牙语母语 西班牙语基础(A2)

Hello future hosts! My name is Nathaly, I'm 18 years old and I'm Brazilian (born in São Paulo). I recently graduated from high school, with some additional training courses, such as fire brigade and first aid; I am in the process of obtaining my license to drive cars and ...

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Gabriela, 24保姆来自São Paulo, São Paulo, 巴西 寻找一份互惠生 & 保姆澳大利亚, 西班牙, USA, 意大利, 英国 的工作

Gabriela不抽烟 Gabriela不抽烟 Gabriela会骑自行车 Gabriela可以照顾宠物 Gabriela会游泳 Gabriela有急救认证
❱ 九月 2023 - 十二月 2024 (1-24 月)
英语熟练(C2) 葡萄牙语母语 西班牙语熟练(C2) +1

Hello, how are you, dear host family? Insta//gram Gabriela.freirelins My name is Gabriela, I'm Brazilian, I'm 24 years old, I speak Portuguese and Spanish fluently, my biggest dream is to have the experience of getting to know new cultures and learning new languages, my ...

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Ana Beatriz, 26管理人员来自São Paulo, São Paulo, 巴西 寻找一份互惠生 & 保姆丹麦, 法国, 希腊, 意大利, 挪威 的工作

Ana Beatriz不抽烟 Ana Beatriz不抽烟 Ana Beatriz可以照顾宠物 Ana Beatriz有急救认证
❱ 四月 2024 - 五月 2024 (10-24 月)
英语基础(A2) 葡萄牙语母语 意大利语初学(A1)

Dear host family, my name is Ana, I'm going to be a very communicative and open person to arrest more and more every day, in Brazil I took care of two girls, one of 4 years old and the other of 11 and I have two brothers of 2 and 7 years old and I always take care of them to ...

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巴西人互惠生 对于注册会员

Gabriela, 21学生来自São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, 巴西 寻找一份互惠生 & 保姆奥地利, 法国, 挪威, 意大利, 西班牙 的工作

Gabriela不抽烟 Gabriela不抽烟 Gabriela会骑自行车 Gabriela可以照顾宠物 Gabriela会游泳 Gabriela有急救认证
Gabriela有视频 Gabriela有相关证明资料
❱ 一月 2024 - 十二月 2026 (12-24 月)
英语初学(A1) 葡萄牙语母语 西班牙语初学(A1)

Dear host family It's a pleasure to write to you. I study at college and I'm doing the second semester of the Visual Arts course. This course of mine is about painting with paints, pencils, pens, also about sculptures, photographs, everything aimed at arts in general. I ...

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Leticia Mariana, 22销售经理来自Jacupiranga, São Paulo, 巴西 寻找一份互惠生 & 保姆意大利, 葡萄牙, 瑞士, USA, 英国 的工作

Leticia Mariana不抽烟 Leticia Mariana不抽烟 Leticia Mariana会骑自行车 Leticia Mariana可以照顾宠物
❱ 十二月 2023 - 十二月 2025 (24-24 月)
英语初学(A1) 葡萄牙语母语 西班牙语基础(A2)

Olá! Eu sou Letícia, tenho 22 anos e atualmente moro no interior do estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Obrigado por acessar meu perfil e aproveitar para falar um pouco sobre mim. Sou uma pessoa muito alegre, responsável, comunicativa, amo os animais, a natureza e ajudar as ...

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Lidiania, 38心理学家来自Iracemapolis, São Paulo, 巴西 寻找一份保姆 & 老年人看护奥地利, 西班牙, USA, 卢森堡, 瑞士 的工作

Lidiania不抽烟 Lidiania不抽烟 Lidiania会骑自行车 Lidiania可以照顾宠物 Lidiania会游泳 Lidiania有急救认证
❱ 四月 2024 - 十二月 2025 (12-12 月)
英语初学(A1) 葡萄牙语母语

Olá! Meu nome é Lidiania sou mãe de uma menina de 12 anos. Estou divorciada, sou brasileira sempre morei no Brasil, mora com meus pais e irmãos. Atualmente trabalho em uma montadora Hyundai. Amo cuidar de criança me candidatei a essa vaga de au pair, porque parte da minha ...

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Mariana, 22学生来自São Paulo, São Paulo, 巴西 寻找一份保姆 & 同居帮助者巴西, USA, 葡萄牙, 阿尔巴尼亚, 阿尔及利亚 的工作

Mariana不抽烟 Mariana不抽烟 Mariana会骑自行车 Mariana可以照顾宠物 Mariana会游泳 Mariana有急救认证
❱ 十月 2024 - 十一月 2024 (13-24 月)

I Mariana dos Santos, 18 years old, Brazilian. Since I always had a lot of ease and patience with children I always liked it, so I started to give more opportunity to be able to take care of children, I started with small babies, then with 2 to 3 years old. I like to be "I" ...

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Alanis, 21办公室文员来自São Paulo, São Paulo, 巴西 寻找一份互惠生法国 的工作

Alanis不抽烟 Alanis不抽烟 Alanis会骑自行车 Alanis可以照顾宠物 Alanis会游泳
❱ 五月 2024 - 十一月 2024 (3-24 月)
英语进阶(B2) 葡萄牙语母语 法语基础(A2) +2

Coucou, famille d'accueil potentielle ! Je m'appelle Alanis, j'ai 21 ans et je vis dans la plus grande ville du Brésil, São Paulo ! Je travaille actuellement comme analyste des prix pour une prestigieuse marque de mode brésilienne, ce qui est généralement amusant, car la ...

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Bruna, 22经理来自São Paulo, São Paulo, 巴西 寻找一份互惠生 & 保姆USA, 葡萄牙, 英国, 瑞士 的工作

Bruna不抽烟 Bruna不抽烟 Bruna会骑自行车 Bruna可以照顾宠物
❱ 二月 2024 - 六月 2025 (1-24 月)
英语中级(B1) 葡萄牙语母语

Meu nome é Bruna, e tenho 22 anos. Sou brasileira e atualmente resido em São Paulo. Desde cedo, desenvolvi uma paixão pelo cuidado com crianças e uma forte afinidade com diferentes culturas. Sou uma pessoa responsável, dedicada e que valoriza muito a importância da ...

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雇佣来自 巴西的互惠生和保姆