互惠生ID号 1570301

我的国籍是 立陶宛人 | 阅读更多 ⇩

全名 Magdė

城市/省 Vilnius/

国家 立陶宛

开始 七月 2022 - 七月 2022

我想呆多久? 1-2 月

我能说得很好的语言 英语 (高级(C1)), 德语 (中级(B1)), 立陶宛语 (母语)

最后一次操作 27 天前


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Dear host family, thank you for taking the time to read my letter.
My name is Magde and I am 19 years old. I have spent the past year in the USA, North Carolina as a scholarship finalist in the “Flex” program. The year before that I spent 2 months over the summertime as an AuPair in Germany, Bünde, and it was a wonderful experience (I could give the family's contacts).
My closest friends and relatives describe me as a kind, responsible, open-minded, and a bit extreme person. My greatest wish is to learn more about your family traditions, make lasting relationships with your kids, experience the atmosphere of your culture, and learn the German language. I am planning to study in Germany after finishing High School.
I am used to having personal responsibilities to achieve our family’s goals and knowing how hard my parents work, I try to help them whenever I can. Working in the garden or with the laundry as well as tidying my room and cleaning are things that I always try to help with. My parents have raised me as a reliable, proximate, and empathetic person.

I am confident about succeeding in being an AuPair and there are a few reasons why. One of my best personal strengths is communication. For example, I have volunteered at an organization where students from 9th to 12th grade help younger students with their homework and leadership training. Even though we spend time with different students every week, I managed to create true friendships with younger students and they are not afraid to ask for any help or company to this day. Children have different goals, but they really enjoy having a friend. My point is that choosing me as an AuPair would mean that your child would have a real friend, they could trust and learn from. This position is not just a job for me, I believe that becoming a part of a family has many benefits both for AuPairs and host families. Besides that, while living in the USA, I had 3 younger siblings. I have adopted some of the qualities of the parents when it comes to taking care of children. I have also volunteered in Lithuanian Kindergartens. This experience has taught me to develop and implement physical activities such as playing outdoors, taking care of animals in the parks/ other surroundings, doing group sports that would help the children release energy, and at the same time teach them other skills. Moreover, the same position I have with cultures. I am a real Lithuanian, I know a lot about my country and its traditions. I would love to let your family experience a few of our colors of Lithuanian culture. I believe that sharing experiences and traditions with kids from their young days is one of the best ways to introduce them to the diversity of cultures. With all my qualities and values I would surely be open to new experiences with children and a different environment.
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非吸烟者您会游泳吗? - 是您会骑自行车吗? - 是








您现在的职业是? 学生

我的学历是 初中

Language Knowledge

立陶宛语: 母语, 自从 16 年
英语: 高级 (C1), 自从 9 年
德语: 中级 (B1), 自从 6 年

关于运动的知识  Pentathlon, triathlon, volleyball

您的宗教是 天主教徒


特殊的饮食习惯 素食者

任何健康问题或过敏反应 No

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可以加班并获得加班费吗? - 是可以住在有宠物的家庭里吗? - 是可以照看宠物吗? - 是

我想工作的国家 法国, 德国, 冰岛, 挪威 & 瑞士

首选的地区? 大城市, 郊区, 城镇, 村, 农村

我想呆多久? 1-2 月

最早开始的日期 七月 2022

最晚开始的日期 七月 2022




我可以照看的儿童年龄是 6-10岁, 11-14岁, 15岁以上

我有多长儿童看护的经验? 800 小时以上

我能照看的最多儿童为? 2

我可以为单亲家庭工作 是,单亲母亲或父亲




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