Familien ID: 1594806

Kinder: 2 Kinder, 1-5 Jahre

Ort: Neckarbischofsheim / Dorf | Mehr ⇩

Aufenthaltsbeginn: Dez. 2023 - Jan. 2024

Aufenthaltslänge: 11-12 Monate

Letzter Login: 11 Dez. 2023

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Brief ans Au Pair

We are a family of 4 with two young boys (4 years old and 1 year old).
I (37 yo) am French and my husband (41 yo) is German. We lived in different countries and both speak english, french and german fluently. We wish for our 2 sons to have an international upbringing. For example, we are speaking to them french, german and english. We already had 3 aupairs for a 12 month program and so far had no rematch. We are glad to have this intercultural exchange and are looking for the next person to be part of this experience from December 2024.
A kind, honest and caring au pair to help looking after our little ones. We have intercultural knowledge and will ease your understanding and learning of the german customs and ways.
We are looking for someone who will work with us as a team with our children, enrich their every day life, delight them with small, simple surprises and continue to nurture them, and help them understand right from wrong with gentle techniques. We believe open communication is very important.
Ideally you speak fluently english (B2 level) and have professional teaching experience (worked in a daycare, kindergarten or school).
You are fit to keep up with either indoor activities (crafts, music, playing inside when bad weather) and can play outside /bike/soccer/ball or whatever outdoor activities when it’s good weather.
We understand that you will be leaving your family for a while so we will try to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Making sure that it's not too overwhelming.
You can cook for example your homeland recipes because comfort food helps.
We will be speaking slowly in german when we notice you have trouble understanding us and will include you in all customs, holidays, etc.

We are looking forward to making wonderful memories together.
Cynthia & Timo
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Job Beschreibung

Starting date: 26th of December 2023.
We are looking for someone who has ideally teaching experience and/or has pedagogy studies linked to children education.

Our 4 years old son is in Kindergarten where he stays all day (7:30 until 16:00). Our younger son goes to „Kita“ (daycare) from 7:30 until 12:30.
Both are within walking distance, only 800 meters from our house. It is only a 10 minutes walk. Your day starts by preparing our sons a lunchbox and bring them to daycare (aupair works from 7:00 until 8:00) and spend time with them afterwards in the afternoon (15:00 until 20:00), play and organise food for them if they are still hungry.
Our oldest son can eat and drink by himself. His younger brother eats solid food and needs a bit assistance with spoonfeeding liquid food (even though he tries to do it himself). With their Montessori helper tower, the boys can access almost everything and are quite independent. We prepare ourselves a plate and sit next to them while we eat together.
-evening: we take time to cook a warm meal. If possible, we try to eat every evening all together.

Overall our 4yo son is autonomous and incredibly well communicating. He speaks germans (with minor grammatical mistakes), french and english fluently.
He can describe things, emotions and be very articulate on his needs or can describe very well situations. He is part of the bambini soccer team, run, dance, sing, and is quite advanced for his age. He is medium energy and can be trusted on a lot of things. We just have to be careful and cannot let him alone at the moment with his baby brother as he is learning to adjust to the new family dynamics of having a sibling.
Our younger son walks and can kick also a ball while walking, climbs and carry things, eat/grab by himself (fruits/ bit portions of food), open/close doors and is trying to repeat sounds to some words we say . He loves to play, has the most contagious laugh, listens to music and looks at books, is fascinated by water and sand. Both kids are very happy young persons and very eager to learn and discovering more.
You can use a stroller, bike or some other toys to have a walk in the village, or play inside or outside. There are parks, playgrounds in our village and we created a play area in our garden.

It's important to say that we treat our sons with respect and acknowledge them as persons with feelings. The aupair is to be treated the same way. Our oldest has to say “please” and “thank you” when asking something. He does it by the way. And is showing a lot of empathy.
We are incredibly happy for these boys to be in our life. For them having an aupair explain where she comes from and showing her home cooking/music/or other things is an added value which we think will benefit them.
We mostly do not use our mobile phones when the children are with us, playing or interacting with us. That way they don’t feel the need to have to "fight" to get our attention. Since you would be a part of our family, we would like you to adhere to this during your working time. TV is allowed when for example the weather in Winter doesn't allow to go out or kids are sick. But only in english or french so that it has educational value.

Aupair tasks: prepare food for our children, clean afterwards since our children are not yet perfectly coordinated to eat "mess free"(for example: if muesli with milk, it could be that there milk on the kids or on the floor). Cleaning include the children’s rooms and the common areas (living room, kitchen and entrance where the strollers are). Organize meals and cook on some evenings. Washing/ironing laundry. Ensure the overall hygiene of the children: if they got dirty outside or while eating you have to help him change to clean clothes, diapers etc.

Don’t be shy and ask us any questions you may have.
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Info über die Familie

Die Familie hat Haustiere Nein

Die Familie lebt in Dorf

Alter der Eltern 30-45

Sind Sie alleinerziehend? Nein, wir sind ein Paar

Nationalität deutsch

Sprache, die Zuhause gesprochen wird Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch

Religion keine Religion

Bedeutung der Religion Unwichtig

Gegenwärtige Beschäftigung Informatiker/in / Beamter/-in

Personen im Haushalt 2 adults & 2 children

Alter und Geschlecht der zu betreuenden Kinder/Personen 4 jahr männlich
1 jahr männlich

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Job Anforderungen

Soll schwimmen können - JaSoll Fahrrad fahren können - Ja

Wöchentliche Arbeitsstunden 25 - 30

Taschengeld der Au Pair 280 EUR

Bevorzugtes Geschlecht weiblich

Aufenthaltslänge 11-12 Monate

Frühestes Startdatum Dez. 2023

Spätestes Startdatum Jan. 2024

Sie suchen ein(e) Au Pair

Alter der zu betreuenden Kinder/Personen 1-5 Jahre

Kinder/Personen, die betreut werden sollen 2

Gewünschte Erfahrungen in der Betreuung 100-200

Wir brauchen einen Tutor für

Wie alt sind die Menschen, die der Tutor unterrichten soll?

Wir brauchen Unterstützung bei

Bevorzugte Nationalität des Kandidaten Afghanisch, Amerikanisch - USA, Andorranisch, Australisch, Österreichisch, Weissrussisch, Brasilianisch, Britisch, Bulgarisch, Kambodschanisch, Kanadisch, Chilenisch, Chinesisch, Kolumbianisch, Costa-Ricanisch, Kroatisch, Kubanisch, Tschechisch, Dänisch, Dominikanisch, Niederländisch, Ecuadorianisch, Englisch, Estnisch, Philippinisch, Finnisch, Flämisch, Französisch, Griechisch, Honduranisch, Ungarisch, Isländisch, Irisch, Italienisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch, Lettisch, Liechtensteinisch, Litauisch, Luxemburgisch, Malaysische, Maledivisch, Mexikanisch, Mongolisch, Nepalesisch, Neuseeländisch, Norwegisch, Peruanisch, Polnisch, Polynesisch, Portugiesisch, Puerto Ricanisch, Roman, Rumänisch, Russisch, Salvadorisch, Samoanisch, Schottisch, Serbisch, Seychellisch, Singapurisch, Slowakisch, Slowenisch, Südafrikanisch, Spanisch, Schwedisch, Schweizerisch, Taiwanesisch, Thai, Ukrainisch, Venezolanisch, Vietnamesisch, Jugoslawisch

Gewünschte Sprachkenntnisse ausreichend

Gewünschtes Bildungsniveau Berufsschule

Beteiligung an Reisekosten No

Gewünschtes Alter des Kandidaten 21-26

Raucher akzeptiert Nein

Betreuung von Kindern/Personen mit Behinderungen Nein

Betreuung von Haustieren Nein

Soll schwimmen können Ja

Soll Fahrrad fahren können Ja

Kandidat kann Sprachkurs besuchen Ja

Erwartet Erste-Hilfe-Kurs Nein

Führerschein erforderlich Nein

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Beschreibung der Familie

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Au Pair Unterbringung

We live in a modern house where the aupair room is 12 square meters with two big windows (with electric roller blinds) on the ground floor and you have your own bathroom. You'll have a comfortable 140 x 200 cm recent bed, two nightstands, a desk with an office chair, a dresser and two commode.
We have a garden with a terrace and a children's play area. We are located in a small village where a castle from the 13th century stands in the village's park. It's a nice safe community - family oriented and has a lot to offer. There are natural paths, that you can explore bike trails, etc. There are a few playgrounds within walking distance. The city of Sinsheim (40.000 inhabitants) with all the shops, restaurants, bars, shopping possibilities and language course is only 10 min away. The big lively city of Heidelberg is only 46 km away. Accessible from train or bus from our village. There is a bus stop 350m from our house.
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