LES EDUCATRICES LLC - Au Pair Agency, Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates

'Les Educatrices' agency provide French speaking childcare professionals for our clients based in U.A.E. Au pair, educator, tutor, or nanny you are all welcome to apply if you fit in the requirements. Our duty is to be be in charge of children's education and well being exclusively, we do not perform house hold duties of any kind. Our duties includes, follow up on homework, homeschooling support, teaching children good manners (etiquette), preparing fun activities to support learning and mostly speaking to them in French so they can assimilate our beautiful language and culture

Our clients are mainly expat families living in U.A.E or local families, however sometimes we get inquiries from other countries.

If you are interested please send your CV to recrutement@leseducatrices.com

Best of Luck and stay safe!

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  United Arab Emirates

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ADNIC Tower, 9th floor, Mohamed bin Zayed Street,
Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi
0000, United Arab Emirates