
The Au Pair program knows no limit, in fact, you can become an Au Pair everywhere you like. Just consider that some countries don’t have a specific Au Pair program therefore the application process may differ.
This article will explain how to:
Being an Au Pair allows you to be part of a unique experience abroad, staying with a Host Family and living the local culture from the inside. Many European countries officially recognize the Au Pair program, making it relatively easy to become an Au Pair in Europe. The Au Pair visa procedure is quite clear and Host Families are informed about the process. Nonetheless, there are many popular destinations where working as an Au Pair may not seem that easy: if you want to be an Au Pair in Colombia or an Au Pair in Japan, for example, you have to follow other steps. wants our users to be prepared and fully informed about the facts and the procedures to take. If your Host country doesn’t appear in our list of country pages, don’t worry! You can still become an Au Pair abroad!
Find more information in the sections below:
Before the Au Pair stay begins, there are two very important matters the Au Pair and the Host Family need to take care of: the insurance and the contract. We have gathered all the details to answer the most commonly asked questions. Read more
Depending on where they come from and where they want to go, Au Pairs may need a visa and/or a work permit. Read more
In this article, you will be able to find the requirements you need to fulfil to become an Au Pair.  Read more
Even if your Host country doesn’t have a specific Au Pair program, salary, working hours, holidays and language course are still part of the deal. Read more.

Contract and insurance

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The Au Pair contract
The Au Pair contract will make the stay legal. It has to be signed and discussed by the Host Family as well as the Au Pair before the exchange.
The Au Pair also needs insurance which has to be contracted before the program starts. Health insurance and the Au Pair contract will provide a legal and safe stay. To help our users, we have gathered some important information regarding these issues.

The Au Pair contract

Even if the Host country doesn’t officially recognize the Au Pair program, it’s important both for the Host Family and the Au Pair to sign a contract. Families and Au Pairs can download and personalize the Au Pair contract from our website and include all the relevant details. Do not forget that this document should include important points such as:
The Host Family and the Au Pair have to discuss the contract before the stay begins. 
Along with the statement of insurance, the contract will be mandatory for the visa application. Therefore the Au Pair should receive the original version of it, signed by the Host Family and present it at the embassy.

Termination of the contract

If an issue has occurred and both parties can't find a solution to it, they can terminate the contract. There is a 2 weeks notice period for both Au Pair and Host Family. During the fortnight, both parties should be able to find a solution and look for a replacement.  

The Au Pair insurance

The Au Pair will need insurance during his/her stay in the host country. The insurance should cover the whole length of the program.
If the Au Pair’s home country belongs to the European Union and s/he wants to work in another European country, the Au Pair will be insured by the EHIC and will receive medical help in Europe. We recommend getting additional private insurance because the EHIC does not cover all necessary treatments.
Nonetheless, the participant should keep in mind that the reimbursement of national health services may be different in every country. Even if the service might be free of charge in the Au Pair’s homeland, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is in another country.
  • Health insurance for Au Pairs from other countries
Non-European Au Pairs or European Au Pairs who will travel outside Europe have to be insured. Otherwise, the cost of medical treatments may be overwhelming. 
To receive extra protection, you need to get private health insurance. In this case, the Host Family should cover the costs.
There are two insurance companies that normally insure Au Pairs of, whether they are from an EU country or a Non-EU country. Feel free to read about Dr. Walter or Care Concept. These companies offer special Au Pair insurances, so the participant doesn’t have to worry about anything during the stay.

Car insurance and driving license

If the Au Pair holds a driving license from any EU country, it is possible to drive everywhere in the European Union. Of course, it must be valid and fulfil the following conditions:
  • The license is not suspended
  • The participant must always carry the license
  • Follow any restrictions (such as wearing glasses)
  • The Au Pair must be at least 18 years old
If the Au Pair comes from a Non-EU country or is European but wants to work outside the continent, s/he may consider getting an International Driver’s License.
An international driver's license allows a person to drive a private motor vehicle in another nation, however, this license must be accompanied by a valid license from your home country. You can find out how to get an international driver’s license here.
Most states require some form of insurance to protect other drivers on the road. Your Host Family should tell you, depending on the state, if both the vehicle and the driver need to be insured.

What else?

  • When you are asking for information about the visa at the Host country's embassy, take advantage of the opportunity and ask for information about the type of driver's license you need for that country.
  • Also remember to make the arrangements in advance, given that, depending on the country, the application may take a few weeks.

Visa information

As an Au Pair you will probably need a visa and/or residence/work permit unless your home and host country have a special agreement. In this article, we provide you with some general information.
Become an Au Pair in Kopenhagen
The Au Pair visa
Visa regulations vary depending on the applicant’s nationality. Your best source of information will be the Host country’s embassy in your home country. Let’s explore the different possibilities you have concerning the visas and permits.

Student visa

The student visa is a special permit dedicated to foreign students who wish to study abroad. This type of visa is sometimes applicable for Au Pairs in countries that don’t issue a special Au Pair visa (UK, Spain, Italy etc.). In these cases, the candidate has to prove their enrolment in a language course.
Visit your Host country’s government website to obtain more information concerning the possibility to apply for a Student visa and to work - and earn some money - at the same time.

Work and residence permit

If the Au Pair visa isn’t among the options available in your Host country, you’ll have to apply for a work permit to start your Au Pair stay there. After or during the visa application, you’ll get this official permission to work in the country.
Once you obtain your visa and work permit, it may be changed into a residence permit. Make sure to visit your Host country’s official website to gather all the possible information regarding the topic. 

Au Pair requirements worldwide

To join the Au Pair program, there are certain requirements that Au Pairs should meet. So, which criteria do you need to fulfil to become an Au Pair?
If you want to find out, keep on reading.

The requirements for participants might be slightly different depending on their citizenship. Generally, the applicants should be:
  • between 18 and 30 years old
  • have good English language skills/know the basics of the language spoken in the Host country
  • able to pay for their travel and other costs
  • interested in working with kids
  • interested in living abroad for a while
All applicants are also expected to be in good health, be unmarried and without kids of their own. They should have some experience in childcare as this will be their main responsibility as an Au Pair. Participants meeting the mentioned criteria are welcome to register on and find a Host Family here!

Au Pair program worldwide – Step by step application

Follow these steps to be part of the program:
1. Create a profile on
After the registration, create an attractive profile on our site. Complete it with all the important information, add a welcome letter, a few pictures, and a personal description. Personalize your research and find users that meet your search criteria.
All Au Pairs have free access to the services of our platform. They can also become Premium Members and get the possibility to send personalized messages and receive access to documents required for the stay. Find out how our communication system works here.
Free Registration as Candidate
2. Organize a video call with the Host families
Organize various Skype interviews with the users you like. You will get the chance to get to know each other better and come to an agreement. 
3. Sign the Au Pair contract
Once you’ve reached an agreement it is important to sign the contract. Include important details like pocket money, insurance, working hours per week and holidays.
4. Arrange an insurance 
Participants need insurance covering accidents and illnesses. This will be needed to apply for a visa. Host Families are generally not obliged to pay for the insurance but they should help with the organization of the required documents.
5. Apply for the visa and residence/work permit 
Participants will need to go through the visa process at this point. Make sure to visit your Host country website in order to find out how to apply for the visa.
6. Plan the Au Pair’s arrival
The Au Pair needs to make sure to pack everything for the journey. The Host Family needs to prepare a room for the arrival. Both parties need to agree about the pick-up place and time at the airport. 

Salary, working hours, holidays and more

Most countries establish specific program rules for both Au Pairs and Host Families.  In this post, you will get some information about the Au Pair experience worldwide, especially for those countries without general guidelines.

Working hours

As an Au Pair you might work around 35 hours a week. Working hours may be flexible, but the participant should have at least one day off a week.  Of course, the working hours include babysitting!  
You should ask your future Host Family about your general working schedule before you match with them. It is also important to put everything you agreed on in your Au Pair contract. 

Au Pair salary

For your help with childcare and light housework, you will receive a monthly pocket money. Please, discuss your salary with your Host Family before you sign the contract*. During your stay as an Au Pair, your Host Family is going to provide you with your own room and full board. You are also entitled to receive this while you are not working, during your vacation and when you are feeling sick.
*Please, consider that you should follow the Host country’s job regulations concerning the minimum wage. 

Time off and holidays

In case of lack of official legislation governing the Au Pair program, suggests following the international holiday policy of the program. We recommend at least 4 weeks of paid holidays for a 12-month stay. Should the Host Family ask their Au Pair to join them on vacation, make sure you agree on whether this time will be considered vacation or working hours for the Au Pair. This will help avoid misunderstandings.

Language course

While you are living as an Au Pair, you have the opportunity and the right to attend a language course. Your Host Family can offer to pay for the additional costs as well as the enrollment fee for the class. You should also agree on a schedule that allows you to attend the language course on a weekly basis.

Au Pair program worldwide - Information for Host Families

Are you considering becoming a Host Family but your country doesn’t officially recognize the Au Pair program? Then you probably have lots of questions.
Become an Au Pair in Kopenhagen
Host an Au Pair
In the following section, we will give you the answers to the most important questions about the Au Pair program worldwide.

Host Families can join the Au Pair program from all over the world. Beyond the general requirements for the cultural exchange, the families must take part in the bureaucratic process of hosting an Au Pair, helping the candidate to figure out what are the steps to take.
For example, if you are interested in hosting an Au Pair in Portugal, in Belarus or in Tunisia, you will have to read the specific requirements your Au Pair needs to meet to obtain a work permit. To know more, keep on reading!

Can you become a Host Family?

To host an Au Pair, families should meet the general requirements of the program:
  • Having at least one child under the age of 18
  • Being able to provide the Au Pair with a private room
  • Being able to afford the program costs
  • Being interested in cultural exchange
If you meet the requirements above, you are more than welcome to join and start looking for an Au Pair!
Free Registration as Family
After registering on, complete your profile: add some pictures of your city and family to make it more attractive to potential candidates. You should also write an introduction letter to your future Au Pair. If you want to find the right candidate faster, you can use our filters during your search to speed up the process!
With a free membership on you can send standard messages to all registered users and add them to your list of favourites. You can also become a Premium Member to get access to some additional features like sending personalized messages or getting different document templates that you will need throughout the program. Find more information about our messaging system here.
After having found the perfect candidate, sign the Au Pair contract. Include all important details, such as working hours, responsibilities, holidays, expectations etc.

How to hire an Au Pair

After having signed the contract there are still a few things left for you to take care of:
1. Check the immigration policy of your country
If your country doesn’t issue an Au Pair visa, then check which kind of requirements are needed to enter and work in your country. If you and the Au Pair both live in a European country, then s/he won’t need a visa. Otherwise, the candidate should make an appointment with your country’s embassy in her country. Check the type of visa the applicant will need and the work/residence permit regulations. Please, remember that people are not allowed to earn money with a tourist visa.
2. Arrange an insurance
Once you figure out which kind of visa and work permit the Au Pair will need, you need to purchase an insurance covering accidents and illnesses for the Au Pair. This will be needed to apply for a visa or a work permit. Host Families, in general, are not obligated to pay for the insurance. However, the family should offer their help in searching for the right one. 
3. Apply for the visa and residence/work permit
Participants will need to go through the visa and residence/work permit process. The Host Families should get involved in this process to help the Au Pair, considering that many countries' official websites are available in the local language only.
Please, consider that if your Au Pair gets a work permit, you will have to follow your country’s job regulations, especially the ones concerning the minimum wage.
4. Plan the Au Pair’s arrival
The Host Family needs to prepare a room for the arrival. Both parties need to agree about the pick-up place and time at the airport.  
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