Member ID 3464982

Can engage the kids in the following activities Homework Assistance, Book Reading, Art & Craft, Drawing & Cutting, Numbers & Counting, Letters & Sounds, Mind Games & Activity, Songs & Poetry

Tutor for English, Sport, Russian

Nationality Belarusian | More ⇩

Full name Ulyana

City/State Минск/

Country Belarus

Start Jun 2025 - Sep 2025

Duration of stay 1-12 Months

Good knowledge of English (B2), Belarusian (Native), Russian (Native)

Last action 16 days ago

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Profile visited by 8 Host Families in the last 3 weeks
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Letter to the family

Hello everyone! My name is Ulyana and I am 21, I am originally from the capital of Belarus - Minsk, but I have traveled a lot all my life. Last year I graduated from university as a game designer and I have been working in the same specialty for the last two years. Now it's time to try something new and I really want to get to know other cultures better!)
My life has always been full of colors: since childhood I have been involved in different sports, was on the fencing and snowboarding team, traveled a lot, drew a lot, sewed, read and shared all my knowledge with my younger brothers. I have two younger brothers and as an older sister I took an active part in their upbringing and life. While I lived with my parents, I studied and played with them every day. Now I really miss it.
At the moment, I am actively studying German and learning to sew. My German is at level A2 so far, but in addition to it, I have been studying English since early childhood! After school, I confirmed my knowledge of it not to B2, but I think over the past years my knowledge has become more confident, because English constantly surrounds me.
I love to learn and share my knowledge and adhere to the proverb "learning is light, and ignorance is darkness." Therefore, I perceive every experience as an excellent opportunity to learn something new and I am not afraid of difficulties. I am ready to face any difficulties and will be glad to work with you!)
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Personal information

Non-SmokerHas attended a first-aid training - Yes
Can swim well - Yes
Can ride a bike - Yes
Has a driver's license - Yes, with experience

Can swim well

Can ride a bike

Has a driver's license Yes, with experience

Has siblings

Has a valid passport


Has attended a first-aid training

Sports  сноуборд, фехтование, настольный теннис, фитнес, йога

Religion Christian

For the Au Pair religion is Not important

Special diet considerations No special diet

Has health problems No

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Job information

Can work more for extra money - Yes
Does accept family with pets - Yes
Can take care of pets - Yes

Preferred countries Austria, United Kingdom, Italy, France & Switzerland

Preferred area Big City, Suburb, Town, Village, Countryside

Duration of stay 1-12 Months

Earliest starting date Jun 2025

Latest starting date Sep 2025

Does accept family with pets

Can work more for extra money

Can take care of pets

Age group 1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old

Hours of child care experience in the past 24 months 10 - 50

Would like to take care of this number of children/people 2

Would work for a single parent? Yes, with any of them

Can care for special needs children

Can care for special needs people

Can involve and engage the kids in these activities Homework Assistance, Book Reading, Art & Craft, Drawing & Cutting, Numbers & Counting, Letters & Sounds, Mind Games & Activity, Songs & Poetry

Can teach subjects English, Sport, Russian

To students of age group Toddlers (2-3), Preschoolers (4-5), Primary school (6-12)

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About me

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Online tutor / Virtual Childcare

Can involve and engage the kids in these activities Homework Assistance, Book Reading, Art & Craft, Drawing & Cutting, Numbers & Counting, Letters & Sounds, Mind Games & Activity, Songs & Poetry

Can teach subjects English, Sport, Russian

To students of age group Toddlers (2-3), Preschoolers (4-5), Primary school (6-12)

Price (per hour) 8 EUR

Language Knowledge

Belarusian: Native Language, Since 21 Year/s
Russian: Native Language, Since 21 Year/s
German: Elementary (A2), Since 1 Year/s
English: Upper intermediate (B2), Since 15 Year/s

Profession геймдизайнер, швея

Education бакалавр - Белорусский Государственный Университет Информатики и Радиоэлектроники

Availability / Schedule

Morning (6-9)        
Late morning (9-12)        
Afternoon (12-15)        
Late afternoon (15-18)        
Evening (18-21)        
Late evening (21-24)        
Night (0-3)        
Early morning (3-6)        

Familiar with Software / Application Zoom, Google Meet, Skype