Olá! Eu me chamo Ana Carolina, tenho 25 anos e sou brasileira. Atualmente moro na Suíça. Sou au pair de 3 crianças (atualmente 2,6 e 10 anos), há mais de 2 anos e pude estabelecer uma boa relação com toda a família, e tenho certeza que os levarei para o resto de minha ...
Hallo liebe Eltern Mein Name ist Jahlena, ich bin 22 Jahre alt und lebe in Zürich (Schweiz). Seit klein auf bin ich eine grosse Schwester und habe es dort bereits geliebt ihr das Fläschchen zu geben, mit ihr zu spielen und auf sie aufzupassen. Mit ca. 12 Jahren habe ich ...
Hello! My name is Natalia, I am 25 years old, and I am looking for an Aupair job after graduating from my BA in Visual Communication Arts & Fashion Studies with a Minor in Management in Lugano, Switzerland. I am creative, patient, and caring! The reason is because I want to ...
Dear host family I am Nancy currently an aupair in Switzerland soon to complete my contract and I am looking forward to continue my aupair journey in a lovely family.I am diligent in my work,Playful and a good timekeeper.In my current host family I helped to take care of three ...
Hi everyone! My name is Charlotte, and I am 21 years old. I want to become an au pair and live-in tutor because I’m ready to step out of my comfort zone and embrace a new challenge. I have experience babysitting children ranging from 4-year-olds to pre-teens, as well as ...
Hello everyone, I am 18 years old, attend a business secondary school and am doing an internship in human resources at Coop. I would like to do an exchange year to gain new experience and improve my English. I get along well with children, enjoy helping around the house and ...
Hello, My name is Lou, I am 19 years old soon to be 20. I am looking for a family who would like to host me for 6 weeks as an au pair. I want to become a school teacher for children and to do that I would like to go to the HEP (high school of pedagogy) in Switzerland in ...
Hallo ich heisse Salome und würde mich freuen wenn du mein Profil besuchst. Ich habe zwar noch keine Erfahrungen als Au Pair, aber würde diese Erfahrung gerne erfahren vielleicht auch mit deiner Familie.
Hello everyone, I am a 22 year old girl who has lived in Italian Switzerland all my life, growing up I feel the need to get out of my comfort zone and discover the world a little. I would like to learn about new cultures and meet new people. I recently returned from a month-long ...
Hello, my name is Amalia, I am 19 years old and I am currently finishing my secondary studies in Switzerland. The au pair experience is an opportunity for me to immerse myself in a country and improve my language. I also often work with children because I have been doing camps ...
Anna, 19 19 y.o. Swiss Letztes Semester im Gymnasium currently in Switzerland searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Denmark, Japan, Sweden, United Kingdom, Italy
Elen, 20 20 y.o. Swiss Au Pair currently in Switzerland searching for Au Pair & Live-in Tutor jobs in Spain, USA, Italy, Japan, Mexico
Lina Marcela, 22 22 y.o. Colombian Child Care Worker currently in Switzerland searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in France
Hadir, 25 25 y.o. Swiss currently in Switzerland searching for Au Pair & Caregiver for elderly jobs in Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Luxembourg
Cynthia, 22 22 y.o. Kenyan Au Pair currently in Switzerland searching for Au Pair & Live-in Tutor jobs in Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Elina Sylvana, 25 25 y.o. French Student currently in Switzerland searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Belgium, France, Luxembourg