Ciao sono Noura, sono una ragazza dolce e positiva a cui piacciono molto i bambini. Vorrei essere ospitata per fare una nuova esperienza e conoscere una nuova famiglia rispettosa. Attualmente sono da una famiglia a Berna ma la mia esperienza sta per finire e vorrei iniziare ...
Hi everyone!! I'm Francesca,i'm 20 years old and i'm from Rimini, Italy. I graduated from a waiter school and now i'm a waitress in a bar. I love cooking and I know how to interact with people. Before introducing myself, I should inform you that dispite loving children I ...
Querida Familia anfitriona. Será un placer poder convivir con ustedes, intercambiar cultura, y lo más importante, cuidar y aprender junto a sus niñ@s. Tengo 21 años, soy argentina, actualmente viviendo en Italia, me gusta mucho correr, hacer hockey, pintar, y el futbol. ...
Buongiorno famiglia ospitante, sono una ragazza italiana di 33 anni con anni di esperienza come baby-sitter e aiuto compiti con bambini dai 2/3 anni fino all'adolescenza. Ho un diploma da educatrice e sto terminando i miei studi per diventare infermiera (conosco le manovre di ...
We are happy to introduce Alessia originally from Italy, who is enthusiastic about working as Au Pair & Nanny. The applicant has already finished University and has work experiences as Student - Science / IT. The Au Pair has a driving license and can drive very well.
Gentile Famiglia, Mi chiamo Rehan, e sono entusiasta di scrivere questa lettera per esprimere il mio interesse a diventare Au Pair nella vostra famiglia. Ho 23 anni e provengo da Reggio Emilia, dove ho vissuto e studiato fino ad ora. Sin da giovane, sono stato molto ...
Hi! My name is Azzurra and i’m an eighteen girl from Italy. I’m born in Argentina and all my family is Argentinian , they moved to Italy when i was really young so i grow up speaking both languages. I’ve been with children since I was sixteen because my mum during the ...
Hi! I'm Giada and I'm a 22-year-old Italian girl who loves to get involved and new challenges. I'm enrolled in the last year of Educational Sciences at the University of Bologna and my dream is to work with children. I would like to become an Au Pair to live an experience ...
Dear host family, my name is Irene, I am 20 years old, I am a university student of architecture, at the University of Bologna. I would like to find a family that will welcome me as an Au Pair during the summer to discover new cultures, learn different lifestyles and spend time ...
Dear family, I would like to share with you some of my interests and hobbies that I am passionate about and that represent me. I am a curious and dynamic person, always looking for new experiences. In particular, I am very passionate about social media and I like to discover ...
Katerine, 20 20 y.o. Italian Factory Worker currently in Italy searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Australia, Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland
Adelaide, 19 19 y.o. Italian Student currently in Italy searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Belgium, France, Norway, Netherlands, USA
Marianna, 29 29 y.o. Italian Artist currently in Italy searching for Au Pair jobs in Australia, Brazil, Canada, USA, South Africa
Laura, 24 24 y.o. Italian Musician currently in Italy searching for Au Pair jobs in Canada, Ireland, USA, Switzerland
Honorine, 26 26 y.o. Rwandan currently in Italy searching for Au Pair & Caregiver for elderly jobs in Germany