Member ID 3148967

Nationality French | More ⇩

Full name Lila

City/State Hallennes-Lez-Haubourdin/ Hauts-de-France

Country France

Start Oct 2024 - Dec 2024

Duration of stay 6-24 Months

Good knowledge of English (C1), Spanish (B1), French (Native)

Last action 07 Nov 2024

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Letter to the family

I'm Lila, a french student of 22 yo, I am gonna obtain my dietician diploma in september 2024.
I'm a muscician for 12 years now, in saxophone, but I've also taken classes of drums for 3 uears, and I have been learning piano and guitar on my own. I also love sport, I practice power lifting and running for cardio, iwch is good to play with the kids cause they do have a lot of energy.
I love traveling, I've been to the United states twice yet, once this summer and another one during febrary's school break because I have family living in Maryland. I really loved the country during my visits so I would like to come back and stay longer. I have seen pretty much everything in Maryland that's why I'm looking to go to another state. I would love to go to Texas, and more precisely near willis, cause I have another family member there, so it would be reassuring to have someone I know nearby.
I have been doing a lot of babysitting these last months, at least 200 hours so I have a lot of experience with kids. I'm registered in a french babysitting agency, so it's really serious.
I'm really comfortable in english, having my american family, has always motivated to learn that langage and since I practice it regularly, I'm kind of bilingual, excpet maybe so local sayings that I don't know. Thanks to that I could maybe teach french to your kids if you would be interested in that.
I've always wanted to do au pair, my english teacher in high school kept telling us about it and it really attracted my attention. I qualify for the position because I know how to take care of kids and I actually love it.
I think that pretty much sums up about who I am and what are my goals, if you have any other question I would be glad to answer them !
Have a nice day :)
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Je n'ai jamais été fille au pair, ce serait ma première expérience mais j'ai beaucoup d'expérience avec les enfants, notamment en faisant du babysitting.
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Additional pictures

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Personal information

Non-SmokerHas attended a first-aid training - Yes
Can swim well - Yes
Can ride a bike - Yes
Has a driver's license - Yes, with experience

Can swim well

Can ride a bike

Has a driver's license Yes, with experience

Has siblings

Has a valid passport


Has attended a first-aid training

Profession Student

Education College

Language Knowledge

French: Native Language, Since 22 Year/s
English: Advanced (C1), Since 12 Year/s
Spanish: Intermediate (B1), Since 5 Year/s

Sports  oui, de la force athlétique et de la course

Religion No Religion

For the Au Pair religion is Not important

Special diet considerations No special diet

Has health problems Non

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Job information

Can work more for extra money - Yes
Can care for special needs children - Yes
Does accept family with pets - Yes
Can take care of pets - Yes

Preferred countries USA

Preferred area Big City, Suburb, Town, Village

Duration of stay 6-24 Months

Earliest starting date Oct 2024

Latest starting date Dec 2024

Does accept family with pets

Can work more for extra money

Can take care of pets

Age group 0 - 1 year old, 1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old, 11 - 14 years old, 15+ years old

Hours of child care experience in the past 24 months 201 - 500

Would like to take care of this number of children/people 4

Would work for a single parent? Yes, with any of them

Can care for special needs children

Can care for special needs people

To students of age group

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About me

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