Dear Future Host Family, Hallo! I am a Filipina aupair currently living in Fell, Germany and looking for my next host family on May 2025. I’m 23 years old. I am single and childless. I am a Bachelor in Technical Vocational Teacher Education Major in Food Service ...
Ich habe zwei jüngere Schwestern, um die ich mich oft und gerne kümmere. Daher habe ich auch viel Erfahrung im Umgang mit Kindern sammeln können. Ich weiß, wie ich in gewissen Situationen handeln muss und als Vorbild, vor allem für jüngere Kinder, zu agieren habe. Die ...
I am an open and curious person with great desire to meet other countries and other nationalities. I am interested in photography, learning and living. My commitment and my ability to take care of others are characterized by me. My brother and my cousins are all younger ...
Ich bin Anna 24 und Studiere Lehramt. Bis zum Antritt meiner Au Pair Stelle habe ich den Master of Education und bin daher pädagogisch und fachlich für Kinderbetreuung und Nachhilfe geeignet. Ich möchte Au Pair werden, um mich durch den pädagogischen Umgang mit Kindern und ...
Hallo, ich bin Jona! Im März werde ich mein Abitur absolvieren, anschließend würde ich gerne als aupair andere Länder und Kulturen kennenlernen.
Hallo liebe Gastfamilien, mein Name ist Logina, ich bin 23 Jahre alt und komme aus Ägypten. Ich spreche fließend Arabisch und Englisch und lerne derzeit Deutsch auf B1-Niveau. In den letzten sechs Monaten habe ich bereits als Au-pair in Deutschland gearbeitet und viele ...
My name is Manuel Santiago, I am 23 years old and I am an occupational therapist, a profession that has allowed me to develop patience, empathy and skills to work with people of different ages and backgrounds. I want to be an Au Pair because I consider it an enriching ...
Hello, I'm Melina and I'm 21 years old. I finished school this month and before I start the practical part I would like to go abroad for half a year to gain new experiences. I'm open to any challenge and I'm ready and curious about new things and I would be very happy to embark ...
Get acquainted with Charlyn, 22, based in Germany, who is enthusiastic about working as Au Pair. The Au Pair has finished Vocational School and at the moment works as Bank Employee. The Au Pair can drive a car and is a really experienced driver.
Meet Martin (17) based in Germany, who is happy to join your family as Au Pair. The applicant is experienced in Secondary School and is recently employed as Student. The applicant can drive and has extensive experiences in driving.
Sarah, 25 25 y.o. Brazilian Student - Social Science currently in Germany searching for Au Pair & Live-in Tutor & Online Tutor jobs in Germany, South Korea, USA, Italy, United Kingdom
Angelina, 20 20 y.o. German Healthcare Assistant currently in Germany searching for Au Pair & Live-in Tutor jobs in France
Markha, 25 25 y.o. Russian currently in Germany searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in France, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Bahamas
Piyada, 25 25 y.o. Thai currently in Germany searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, USA
Justina, 22 22 y.o. Tanzanian English Teacher currently in Germany searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Germany, United Kingdom
Xenia Anne, 24 24 y.o. German Social Worker currently in Germany searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Greece, Ireland, United Kingdom