I am someone very trustworthy, honest, lovely, patient, humble and kind ,With a genuine passion for caring for children and elderly, with strong experience in family settings. I am excited about the possibility of contributing to the well-being and development of your ...
Olá, meu nome é Quézia, tenho 22 anos de idade e sou de Angola. Sempre gostei de estar perto de crianças, tenho experiência em cuidados infantis, seja ajudando a cuidar dos meus irmãos, sobrinhos e primos. Sou muito responsável, paciente, carinhosa e amo compartilhar ...
Olá,eu sou a Beatriz,tenho 21 anos e moro em angola,tenho 5 sobrinhas pequeninas então já tenho uma pequena experiência com crianças,adorava imenso que me desses uma chance para poder mostrar que sou a pessoa ideal para poder partilhar uma rotina de cuidados para os seus ...
Get acquainted with Telma, 21, based in Angola, who interested in working as Au Pair & Nanny. The applicant is experienced in Vocational School .
Saya novelia berasal dari indonesia umur saya 19 tahun alasan saya ingin menjadi aupair ingin sekali menjalin hubungan baik dengan keluarga angkat serta membantu semaksimal mungkin dalam pekerjaan rumah tangga,mengapa anda harus memilih saya sebagai aupair karena saya memiliki ...
Motivation Letter for Host Family Dear Host Family, I hope this letter finds you well. My name is Edna, I am 24 years old and I am from Angola, Luanda. I am very excited about the possibility of being part of your family as an au pair and sharing a little about who I am ...
Come to know Teresa from Angola, who is happy to join your family as Au Pair & Nanny. The Au Pair graduated from College and is now employed as Student - Science / IT.
Sou o Benely, estou 23 anos de idade, vivo em Angola, Luanda, Futungo com a minha família, sou solteiro, sou estudante e não tenho filhos.
We present Maria (19) living in Angola, who is happy to join your family as Au Pair & Nanny. The Au Pair has finished College and is recently employed as Babysitter.
Olá Sou a Custódia tenho 22 anos vivo em Angola um País do continente africano vivo com o meu pai e os meus irmãos menores, o Álvaro tem 19 anos, a Estefânia tem 13 anos o Elisario tem 9 anos, a Maria tem 11 anos e o Nairo tem 15 anos. A cidade na qual vivemos está ...
Maureen, 25 25 y.o. South-African Au Pair currently in Netherlands searching for Au Pair jobs in France, Germany, Luxembourg
Filyz, 22 22 y.o. French currently in France searching for Au Pair jobs in France, Luxembourg, Germany
Rebeca, 25 25 y.o. Brazilian Student currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Ireland, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany
Marina, 21 21 y.o. Russian Student currently in Russian Federation searching for Au Pair jobs in Germany
Svenja, 17 17 y.o. German Student - High School currently in Germany searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Karol, 26 26 y.o. Mexican Designer currently in Mexico searching for Au Pair jobs in Germany, Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Switzerland