Dear family, My name is Pauline and I am 23 years old. I recently graduated in documentary filmmaking in Quebec, Canada. I would like to become your au pair to live an extraordinary experience in a family and to improve my knowledge thanks to my contact with new culture and ...
Am elfrida Ogosi Anja from Kenya an English and kiswahili speaker,I love to become an aupair because the love I have for kids is extra ordinary,I like been around them as am experienced been around them at a very young age,To my host who would host me am a very patient person, ...
Bonjour ! Je m’appelle Anouk et j’aurai 22 ans en Juin. Je cherche une famille aupair pour vivre une nouvelle expérience, rencontrer des nouvelles personnes, partager avec des enfants comme des adultes et progresser en anglais. Après mes précédentes expériences en tant ...
Bonjour, Etant étudiante en Commerce International. Je vous écris pour vous proposer ma candidature en tant qu’au pair au sein de votre famille. J’adore travailler avec les enfants et je serai heureuse de pouvoir les aider au quotidien tout en découvrant une nouvelle ...
Je m'appelle Juliette, et en septembre, j'entame ma dernière année d'étude supérieure en master des métiers du livre pour la jeunesse. Je fais mes études à Toulouse, dans une ville où j'ai appris à devenir complètement autonome et dans laquelle il y a toujours quelque ...
Hello, My name is Shelssy. I am a 28-year-old French woman, very passionate about traveling and who loves discovering new cultures. I love children. That's why I graduated from the BAFA to be a group leader for them. I worked for several months in a leisure center/daycare ...
Dear family, My name is Salomé and I am very excited to become an au pair in your beautiful family in Australia or others countries! I am convinced that this experience will be enriching, both for me and for you. Currently, I am 19 years old (born on August 18, 2005), and I ...
Dear host family, My name is Gwen and I'm 19 years old. I've been wanting to move to Canada for a long while, which is why I've decided to look for a host family. I have professional childcare experience, having worked in a French kindergarden and primary school. Besides that ...
Bonjour, Je me présente je m'appelle Anais j'ai 22 ans et j'habite en France, à Montpellier plus précisément. Diplômée d'un bac+3 ( licence ) dans le commerce. Je souhaiterai sauter le pas pour devenir fille au pair afin d'apprendre l'anglais essentiellement et ...
Dear Sir or Madam, Currently a first-year occupational therapy student at the University of Aix-Marseille, I would like to experience being an au pair in an English-speaking country in order to improve my English while sharing my dynamism and sense of responsibility with a ...
Flora, 21 21 y.o. French Tourism Professional currently in France searching for Au Pair & Virtual Childcare jobs in Australia, Brazil, Canada, South Korea, USA
Victoria, 19 19 y.o. French currently in France searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in USA, France, Italy, Monaco, United Arab Emirates
Cynthia, 25 25 y.o. Kenyan Clearing agent currently in France searching for Au Pair jobs in Austria, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Sweden
Johana, 18 18 y.o. French Student currently in France searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Brazil, French Polynesia, Italy, United Kingdom, Romania
Assia, 23 23 y.o. French currently in France searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Maldives, Thailand