Bom dia Sou Uma Sra., Psicologa ,ja aposentada, gosto de viajar e conhecer novas culturas, estou querendo trabalhar com crianças ou idosos. Gostaria de trabalhar pela Europa ou EUA, tenho dois filhos, ja adultos, trabalhando no Brasil, um com 25 anos e o Outro com 29 ...
My name is Emily, I'm 23 years old, I have a degree in pedagogy and two postgraduate degrees, I finished my first college in 2020, I want to take courses and have extracurricular experiences to become an excellent professional in my field, and I believe that an au pair can help ...
Quero ser uma Aupair e fazer parte dessa familia colocando em prática meus conhecimentos com crianças além dos conhecimentos na área de psicologia e pedagogia. Ajudar no que for possível a sua familia. Pois sei cozinha, dirigir (experiência de 8 anos com carro manual), ...
Mi nombre es Leticia y me gradué en técnico en salud bucal durante 5 años, soy muy atenta, busco cumplir mi sueño de estudiar medicina, para eso necesito tener los medios para quedarme en un país sola. Tengo mucha experiencia en el cuidado de niños, desde muy pequeña ...
Dear Host Family, My name is Yasmin Fernanda de Santana, I am 21 years old, and I recently graduated in Business Administration from the Universidade Paulista (UNIP). Currently, I reside in São Paulo, the capital, where I work in digital marketing. I would love to become an au ...
Come to know Brazilian Au Pair called BARBARA Gabriel originally from Brazil, who interested in working as Au Pair. The applicant is experienced in Vocational School and at the moment works as Atendimento ao público.
I am a newly graduated nurse from the University of São Paulo (USP), the best Nursing school in Latin America. I’m passionate about knowing new people and listening to their stories. I want to explore the world and get to know different cultures, so being an au pair in other ...
Dear future host family, My name is Victoria, I am 27 years old and I am from São Paulo, Brazil. I am currently dedicating myself to preparing for this incredible opportunity as an au pair, but I have always had a great interest in cultural experiences and contributing to ...
Dear Host Family, My name is Luana, I am 30 years old and I am passionate about different cultures, education and, above all, caring for and supporting the development of children. I am a communicative, responsible person who loves learning from the people around me. I ...
Olá, família! Meu nome é Talita, e a primeira coisa que vocês devem saber de mim é que sou apaixonada por experiências, desde a menina que queria misturar todas as cores de tinta, não apenas aquelas que formavam cores conhecidas, apenas para ver que tom poderia aparecer; ...
Talita, 28 28 y.o. Brazilian Human Resources currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair jobs in Austria, Finland, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands
Emilly, 19 19 y.o. Brazilian currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Spain, USA, France, Italy, Georgia
Bianca, 26 26 y.o. Brazilian Dentist currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Spain, Ireland, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Germany
Andressa, 25 25 y.o. Brazilian Student - Science / IT currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair & Caregiver for elderly jobs in Austria, France, Netherlands, Slovakia, Switzerland
Crislaine, 22 22 y.o. Brazilian Student currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in Brazil, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal
Rebekah, 23 23 y.o. Brazilian Artist currently in Brazil searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in France