Hi, dear Host Family! How are you? I'm Priscilla, I'm 30 years old, I live in Montpellier in France, I'm actually an au pair now for 1 year and 3 months now and it's time for me to change of family, but I really want to stay in Montpellier, so I'm looking families here. Let's ...
Bonjour, Je suis Ethel, j'ai 20 ans et je suis actuellement un cursus littérature anglaise à l'université de Toulouse en France . Je suis une grande passionnée de la mode et de l'art. Je suis une jeune fille dynamique et je fais de nombreux sports nautiques car j'ai ...
Je suis Maxine, j'ai 18 ans je vis à Paris. Je suis actuellement étudiante en LLCER Coréen à INALCO. J'ai une petite soeur de 9ans et une soeur jumelle. Je souhaite devenir au pair pour découvrir une culture différente en travaillant dans un domaine qui me plaît. Lire, ...
Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Kamelia, j’aurais 17 ans en janvier. Je vis dans un petit village du sud de la France, près de la mer. Je suis très ouvert aux autres cultures, et j'aimerais faire un séjour pour devenir au pair, j'ai toujours voulu voyager dans le monde, faire ...
My name is Maëlys, I am 20 years old (28/12/2003), and I am currently studying for a CAP AEPE (Early Childhood Education degree). Passionate about education and child development, I am organized, cheerful, and very attentive to children’s needs. Becoming an au pair is a ...
Chère famille, Je m’appelle Anaelle, j’ai 19 ans et je viens de la République centrafricaine. Passionnée par le basket et le maquillage, je suis une jeune femme dynamique, créative et prête à vivre une nouvelle expérience enrichissante en devenant fille au pair ...
I am Anais and I am 18 years old. Studying social work in the South of France, my course includes a certification in English for 2026. As part of a cultural exchange, I would like to babysit a family's children to improve my level of English. I really like children and I am open ...
My name is Marina and I'm 23 years old. I would be so glad to be part of that exciting adventure with you if only my critierias and yours correspond! I hope to find a beautiful family for this summer and until then have a great day
Dear Host Family, My name is Léana and I am a 23 year old currently living in France. I was born in France and spent a few years in California when I was little, I moved back to France with my French mom when I was 8 years old. My dad is a Jamaican American retired Marine. ...
Diana Cecilia, 47Y, - is an Nanny based in France, who is enthusiastic about working as Nanny. The applicant has already finished Other and is recently employed as Chef. The Au Pair is an experienced driver and has a driving license.
Marylynn Wangeci, 24 24 y.o. Kenyan Student currently in France searching for Au Pair jobs in Denmark, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland
Faustine, 17 17 y.o. French Student currently in France searching for Au Pair jobs in Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, USA, French Polynesia
Nayelly, 23 23 y.o. Peruvian Psychologist currently in France searching for Au Pair & Nanny jobs in China, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy
Yvanna, 20 20 y.o. French Student currently in France searching for Au Pair jobs in Canada, Spain, USA, Luxembourg, Netherlands
Anaïs, 24 24 y.o. French Healthcare Assistant currently in France searching for Au Pair jobs in Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mauritius, Mayotte, Réunion