Hello. We are a family of 4. We lived in Slovakia for 8 years and have been back in Germany since the summer. We are looking for someone who speaks Slovakian or Czech with our children so that they don't forget the language. We are fluent in English as
In einem idyllischen Dorf, nur 5 Kilometer von der nächsten Stadt entfernt, liegt ein malerischer Ort, der die Ruhe des Landlebens mit der Bequemlichkeit der Stadt verbindet. Hier genießen die Bewohner das Beste aus beiden Welten: die friedliche Atmosphäre eines Dorfes und die Möglichkeit, innerhalb von nur 5 Minuten in der lebendigen Stadt zu ...
Hallo, wir sind die Familie Mersch. Ausser den Eltern Markus und Katja, gibt es noch 2 Töchter. Nele ist 20 und Clara wird im September 6 Jahre alt. Wir suchen eine nette Au Pair, welche auch mit einer nicht typisch deutschen Familie leben möchte. Deine Aufgabe wäre es unsere Clara während der Woche morgens in den Kindergarten zu bringen und ...
Hello, we live in Karlsruhe (~300,000 inhabitants). The connection is good, public transport (tram - we are happy to provide the ticket, can be used throughout Germany) is within easy walking distance. The motorway to the south (Switzerland/Italy - Milan approx. 5 hours) is also quickly accessible. It is less than 30 minutes by car to France, ...
Meet Leopold's family from Germany, from Erding (Town) who would like to hire Au Pair. Leopold's family is German and speaks German, English & Italian at home. The family consists of 4 people and has 2 children (1 - 5 years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and start the program around Feb 2025 - Jun 2025. The family needs the Au Pair for around 6-24 Months.
Hallo, wir sind eine mobile Familie mit Standorten nahe Hamburg und Leipzig. Unsere beiden Jungs 7 und 9 Jahre sollen mit einem AuPair unterstützt werden. Wir wünschen uns eine nette natürliche fürsorgliche Unterstützung, die sich mit Neugier, Fleiß und Bildungswillen in der Familie integriert. Wir bieten volle Integration in die Familie mit ...
Meet Michael's family from Germany, from Pfinztal (Countryside) looking for Nanny. Michael's family is German and speaks German & English at home. Michael's family is of 3 people and includes 2 children (1 - 5 years old, 11 - 14 years old). The family would like to start the Nanny program around Feb 2025 - Apr 2025. The family needs the Nanny for around 10-24 Months.
Meet Bastian's family from Germany, from Vilsheim (Countryside) looking for Au Pair. The family is of German origin and speaks German at home. The family consists of 6 people and has 2 children (0 - 1 year old, 1 - 5 years old). The family would like to start the Au Pair program at the earliest in Jun 2025 and at the latest in Jul 2025. The family needs the Au Pair for around 6-12 Months.
Hello future Au Pair. We currently live in Rhineland-Palatinate, western Germany. Our house is modern with 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 bath. You will be provided with your own private and furnished room and shared bathroom. Our village has a park and beautiful walking trails nearby. Our house is only 7 minutes walk to the bus stop. The bus takes you ...
Hello, we are a family with 3 girls (9, 11 and 13). We live in Germany, at the home town of my wife, but I come from Spain. The 3 children, 3 girls, speak German and Spanish, and learn English. We look for an au pair that can spend time with the children and talk to them in English and/or Spanish, but of course willing to learn and speak also ...