Dear aupair, we are looking for a loving person who likes children. I have two and am having another baby in the summer. So it's mainly about taking care of them both. I live in Bad Homburg, 20 minutes from Frankfurt. There is also a language school here. We would be happy to hear from you soon, I would be happy to provide further information. ...
Hello, we are Christian (40) and Katharina (34) with Max (3) and Leo (a baby) and a dog (Mori). Welcome to our family :-) We live 20 minutes from Frankfurt in a town called Bad Homburg. We really like it there because we like living in the countryside, close to the forest and there are also beautiful parks and an adult education center with ...
Dear au pair, we are happy to offer you balanced occupation and cultural exchange and induction into the new life in the new country, Germany. Our city is located near Frankfurt and is very nice and cozy. We are happy to have a 5 year old kid and waiting for the 2nd child to come early in
Liebes Au pair, wir sind eine junge Familie mit zwei wunderbaren Kindern. Wir leben in einem großen Haus in einem Dorf direkt an der Nordseeküste. Wenn Du Deutsch und/oder Russisch sprichst und uns bei der Betreuung unserer Kinder und bei der Hausarbeit helfen kannst, bist Du genau die richtige Person für uns! Wir suchen ein liebevolles und ...
We are a cheerful and fun-loving family—Mom and three girls (ages 3, 5, and 10)—and we are looking forward to welcoming your energetic support, as our first au pair unfortunately has to leave after a wonderful year with us. We are very active and love spending time outdoors and with horses. The girls enjoy swimming, horseback riding, ...
At you can get to know gabor's family coming from Stuttgart (Town), Germany looking for Au Pair. The family is of German origin and speaks German on a daily basis. The family consists of 3 people and includes 1 children (0 - 1 year old). The family wants to start the Au Pair program at the earliest in Feb 2025 and at the latest in Mar 2025. They want their Au Pair program to last ...
Meet Lijo's family from Germany, from Tettnang (Village) searching for Au Pair and Nanny. Lijo's family is German and communicates in German & English at home. The family consists of 5 people and contains 2 children (1 - 5 years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and Nanny and start the program - the start date is from May 2025 to May 2025. The family needs the Au Pair and Nanny for ...
At you can get to know Christoph's family coming from 08064 Zwickau (Town), Germany searching for Au Pair. The family is of German nationality and speaks German on a daily basis. The family consists of 5 people and contains 3 children (0 - 1 year old, 1 - 5 years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and start the program around May 2025 - Dec 2025. The family needs the Au Pair for ...
Hello, we are looking for an aupair to support our family. We are living in Munich and have a soon 6 year old daugther and 3 year old son. Both kids attend the kindergarden/school during the day and we need help to get the kids ready the morning, walk them to the kindergarden / pick them up and play with them in the afternoon. We are living in ...
Dear au pair, we are a very loving and fun family with twins aged 7 who are looking forward to getting to know you and welcoming you as a new family member. We live in a house with a large garden and you would have your own room and bathroom. As we live in a very rural and holiday region, you can go jogging or cycling right from our front door. ...