Meet Simo's family from Germany, from Remchingen (Countryside) who would like to hire Au Pair. The family is of German origin and speaks Arabic, German, French, Italian & English on a daily basis. The family consists of 5 people and contains 3 children (0 - 1 year old, 1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and start the program around Feb 2025 - Mar 2025. The ...
We are looking for a sweet active lady. Who can take care of our 2 fantastic children for 1 whole day and 3 days in the afternoon. We both have our own company, and are looking for someone who can help us with the children and also in the household. Light household tasks. 3 days a meal for dinner would also be nice. We live in Germany on the ...
Wir wohnen in einem kleinen Dorf an der Südlichen Weinstraße. Um uns herum sind überall Weinberge. Die nächst größere Stadt ist Landau in der Pfalz. Hier arbeite ich (Mama) an der Universität. Es gibt natürlich eine Busverbindung, aber wir stellen auch ein Auto zur Verfügung. Landau bietet neben vielfältigen Einkaufsmöglichkeiten auch ...
Liebes Au Pair, wir sind eine glückliche und aktive Familie, die in der Innenstadt von München lebt. Wir suchen dich, als Au Pair, um sich unserer Familie anzuschließen. Du wohnst mit uns zusammen in einer großen Wohnung im Herzen der Stadt. Dort hast du dein eigenes Zimmer. Du kannst alle Orte entweder mit dem Fahrrad oder mit den ...
Hello dear au pair. My name is Yasin, I am 34 years old and I am a single father. I live in a small town in Bavaria (Germany) I am looking forward to getting to know
Hi, we‘re looking for an trustworthy Au pair for our two little boys. As we‘re living in two places in Germany (close to nature and the middle of the capital of North Rhine Westphalia) there are lots of thing to do and many experiences to make. So it would be nice to have somebody who likes to travel and is active like we
Hello, we are the Bethmann family, Consisting of dad Kilian, mom Janine and the girls Luca and Leo as well as our dog Socke We live in our own home in a small village. It is about 7 km to Peine (a relatively small town) It is about 20 km to the next larger town and about 50 km to Hanover There is public transport, but not particularly
Wir sind eine Familie mit einem 6 Jahre alten Sohn und leben in Schönbrunn in Deutschland. Unser kleiner Sohn wird nächstes Jahr eingeschult. Wir leben in einem neugebauten Haus mit großen Garten und suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt ein Au pair, um wochentags die Betreuung für unseren kleinen Sohn zu übernehmen, da wir beide ...
We are happy to introduce Peter's family based in Essen (Big City), Germany who would like to hire Au Pair and Nanny. The family is of German origin and communicates in German at home. Peter's family is of 3 people and contains 1 children (15+ years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and Nanny and start the program around Jan 2025 - Mar 2025. They want their Au Pair program to last 2-24 ...
At you can get to know Roman's family coming from Todendorf (Suburb), Germany searching for Au Pair. The family is of German origin and speaks German & Lithuanian at home. The family consists of 4 people and has 2 children (6 - 10 years old). The family would like to start the Au Pair program around Apr 2025 - Jun 2025. They want their Au Pair program to last 3-12 Months.