Hello We are a family of 6 people (parents and 4 children). We have had several experiences hosting au pairs and it was an extraordinary experience that we would like to continue with you. We live in the south of France in a rather quiet town in the Avignon conurbation of 8,000 inhabitants with all the amenities (supermarkets, shops, bars, ...
Meet Gil's family from France, from Clichy (Town) looking for Au Pair and Nanny. Gil's family is French and speaks French & Italian on a daily basis. The family consists of 4 people and contains 2 children (0 - 1 year old, 1 - 5 years old). The family would like to start the Au Pair and Nanny program at the earliest in Sep 2025 and at the latest in Dec 2025. The family needs the Au Pair and ...
Hello future Aupair, As a single father of 2 children looking for a balance between work and family life. Your arrival in our family will bring us this balance. I am mainly looking for an aupair who does not require a visa, preferably already in Europe. The children are in shared custody between their mother and me. Therefore, your working ...
Dear au pair, I live in a village near Lille in the north of France, I am looking for an au pair interested in art, to collaborate in my artistic activities and to assist me with household chores. This participation in my work will be an opportunity for you to have training in various photographic techniques, engraving, sculpture and the ...
SANS DEMANDE DE VISA SI POSSIBLE Nous vivons au coeur d'une belle ville de grand standing, très calme, très verdoyante et très sécurisée. Nous sommes à 5mn du centre ville (commerces - restaurants/bar - cinéma - centre sportif - écoles - transport métro - marché très animé). Le coeur de Paris se situe à seulement 20minutes en ...
At AuPair.com you can get to know Stefan's family coming from EAUBONNE (Town), France who would like to hire Au Pair. The family is of French nationality and speaks French on a daily basis. The family of Stefan is made up of 3 people and contains 2 children (6 - 10 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair program - the start date is from Dec 2024 to Jan 2025. The family needs the Au ...
Hello, I am a single parent with 2 young children 10 and 7 yrs old. We live in the south of France and I have the kids every other week. I travel internationally for my job and need cover for my kids where this may clash with work travel. I need someone to look after the kids during these times and on an adhoc basis when they are not at ...
Nous souhaitons accueillir une personne pétillante avec l’envie de faire des sorties.
Meet Aurélie's family from France, from Bordeaux (Town) looking for Au Pair. The family is of French nationality and speaks French on a daily basis. Aurélie's family is of 5 people and includes 3 children (1 - 5 years old). The family would like to start the Au Pair program around Jan 2025 - Feb 2025. The family needs the Au Pair for around 6-6 Months.
Bonjour, Nous recherchons une au pair pour être auprès de nos deux garçons (4 et 7 ans) durant notre travail d'été. Nous tenons un refuge de montagne (14 places en demi pension + restauration le midi et en journée). C'EST UN SITE ISOLÉ EN MONTAGNE. Nous avons besoin quelqu'un de dynamique, autonome et de confiance pour s'occuper de nos ...