Family ID: 3444551

Children: 2 Children, 1 - 5 years old

City: DUNKIRK / Town | More ⇩

Name john

State Maryland

Postal code Only Premium members

Job Start: Jan 2025 - Mar 2025

Time of stay: 12-24 Months

Last action: 16 days ago

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Welcome Letter to the Au Pair

Greetings! We welcome you to America. We very much look forward to having a new member of family who can help educate Tatyana our only child age 2.

Our family consists of Mariia Adamenko (age 40), Ivan Adamenko (18), john (56), and Tatyana Hakim age 2.
We live in Dunkirk, Maryland which 48 kilometers outside of Washington DC.

john works as a Medical doctor. He attends 3 meetings each year and you would be invited to travel with the family when they attend these meetings in the United States. In 2024, we visited Chicago, New Orleans, Washington, DC, and San Diego California. In 2025 we plan to visit Chicago and New Orleans again. For vacation, we often travel to the Atlantic Ocean and visit the beach.

In past, Tatyana had a Ukrainian Nanny, named Anestasia who was from Kearson, Ukraine. We helped Anastasia bring her mother, Olena from Kearson Ukraine. They both lived with us and were the nanny for Tatyana for over a year. Tatyana thrived and was very happy.

We had a great experience with Anastasia and her Mother Olena. They moved to Cincinnati ohio to be with Anastasia’s sister who had two children.

The Town of Dunkirk, where we live is called a village. It has three large grocery stores (Super markets), one post office, 5 sit down restaurants, a McDonalds, and other fast food restaurants. There is a clothing store, a pet store, at least 4 banks, a driving school, two three liquor stores, a gym, and doctors offices. Every day there are busses that leave Dunkirk Maryland in the morning and go the the center of Washington DC. In the evening, there are buses that return to Dunkirk.
Ivan Adamenko has been working at the McDonalds in Dunkirk and he was riding his bike the 12 minutes there. You will be given a bike that you can ride and also bike to Dunkirk in your free time. If you have a driving license we will allow you to drive the car. The previous nanny would walk to Dunkirk with her mother and her dog, it takes about 35 minutes walking.
We believe you will be very happy if you choose to live with us. Tatyana is intelligent and inquisitive. You will have educational opportunities and a chance to learn a lot about America.
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Job Description

Tatyana the baby starts with Breakfast at 8am, then a walk and exercise in the playground. Half an hour of education of reading books or practicing numbers and flash cards. Then Lunch, followed by a nap. Then more exercise and a walk followed by another half hour of reading. You would work from 8 am to 4 pm. Every week we go to the library and get new books for Tatyana.
Mariia Adamenko takes English classes on line, and you would also be able to take online classes in English, or college courses. Mariia is learning to Drive and we would also accommodate you to get driving classes and learn to drive.
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Additional pictures

Family Information

Family has pets No

Family lives in Town

Parent's Age Group 55+

Are you a single parent? No, our family has two parents

Nationality American

Languages spoken at home Arabic, English, Russian

Religion Christian

Importance of religion Important

Employment Doctor / Housewife

People living in the house 5

Children's/people's age and gender 2 Year female
24 Year female

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Job Requirements

Riding a bike required - Yes
First Aid Training required - Yes

Working Hours (per week) 40 - 45

Pocket Money of Au Pair (per month) 50 USD

Salary of Nanny (per month) 1000 USD

Required Gender Female

Duration of Stay 12-24 Months

Earliest Starting Date Jan 2025

Latest Starting Date Mar 2025

Looking for Au Pair and Nanny

Children's/People's Age 1 - 5 years old

Children/People to take care of 2

Minimum Childcare Experience 10-50

We need a tutor who can teach

How old are the students the Tutor should teach?

We need assistance and support in

Preferred Nationalities Belarusian, Russian, Tajikistani, Ukrainian

Language Skills
 Russian, Minimum Native Language
- Select -
 English, Minimum Elementary (A2)

Education Level High school

Willing to pay/share the travel costs? share

Required Age 18-26

Accepts Smokers No

Taking care of special needs children/people required No

Taking care of pets required No

Swimming required No

Riding a bike required Yes

The applicant can attend language courses Yes

First Aid Training required Yes

Driving required No

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Family Description

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Our house has 6 bedrooms. The nanny will have private bedroom and shared bath on second floor. You will have all the food you want to eat in the refrigerator. We practice the orthodox faith and Mariia and John go to the Ukrainian Orthodox church every Sunday. Ivan Adamenko attends a local church called church of Christ. In the basement of the house are two white ladies over age 65 ( Roxanna and Debbie), they have a small dog and both drive cars.
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