Olá moça, meu nome é Jens, eu moro no sul da Alemanha em Stuttgart e falo português pq vivi no Brasil em São Paulo. Eu preciso ajuda em casa, então seria bom se vc soubesse cozinhar bem. Stuttgart é conhecido tb pelo forró Festivals. Então sempre tem forró nos Finals de semana.
We are happy to introduce Vivian's family based in Oldersbek (Village), Germany searching for Au Pair. The family is of German nationality and speaks German on a daily basis. The family of Vivian is made up of 5 people and has 2 children (1 - 5 years old). The family would like to start the Au Pair program - the start date is from Jan 2025 to Feb 2025. The family needs the Au Pair for around ...
Liebe zukünftige Au-Pair, wir sind Gökçe, Felix und unsere Tochter Helena und freuen uns, dich kennenzulernen! Ich, Gökçe, bin 25 Jahre alt und studiere Sozialpädagogik. Mein Mann Felix ist 29 und arbeitet als Betriebsleiter. Unsere Tochter Helena ist 16 Monate alt. Wir leben in einem schönen, großen Haus auf dem Land mit zwei Katzen. ...
Hello dear interested party, We offer a great opportunity as an au pair for 3 to 10 months in a romantic district town near Frankfurt am Main. There are many opportunities for shopping, we have a large swimming pool, an ice rink and many sports facilities/gyms in the city, and a large network of cycle paths. There is a well-equipped city ...
Dear future au pair, we are a family of four and live in a small village called Oberzeitlbach/Altomünster near Munich. The surrounding area is rural. There is a train station 2 km away, and Munich can be reached in 45 minutes. The nearest cities of Munich, Aichach, Dachau, Augsburg and Friedberg are easily reached by car. A car is available for ...
Meet Rene's family from Germany, from Wilhelmsfeld (Big City) who would like to hire Home share with elderly. The family is of German nationality and speaks German & English at home. The family wants to start the Home share with elderly program around Jul 2025 - Dec 2025. They want their Au Pair program to last 10-14 Months.
Hallo! Wir sind eine Familie mit zwei Kindern (im Sommer wird unsere Tochter 7 und unser Sohn 4 Jahre alt). Wir leben in einem Vorort von München in einer kleinen und gemütlichen Stadt namens Oberhaching. Wir suchen ein Au-Pair, das ab August dieses Jahres Teil unserer Familie wird! Wir haben derzeit unser viertes Aupair (bisher alle ...
Dear au pair, we are looking for you for our family, especially for our 8-year-old son Tamme. We live in a small town in Saxony, but Leipzig or Dresden are an hour away. We live in a house with two dogs. Our older children no longer live at home, so we thought of you. You are welcome to become part of our family. Don't hesitate to ask ...
Dear prospective Au pair, We are a family of 4: Mother, father, a daughter 4 years old and a son one year old. We would be very happy to welcome you into our family. - - - - - - - -
Salam, wir leben zu dritt mit meinem Mann und 1-jährigen Sohn. Wir brauchen Hilfe im Alltag und für die Förderung unseres Sohnes. Wir suchen ein muslimisches Au-Pair mit Hijab und modest Kleidung.