Family ID: 3160831

Children: 2 Children, 1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old

Need Tutor for: Sport

Can engage the kids in: Art & Craft, Drawing & Cutting, Mind Games & Activity, Songs & Poetry

City: Garden City / Town | More ⇩

Name Angela

State New York

Postal code Only Premium members

Job Start: May 2024 - Dec 2026

Time of stay: 1-24 Months

Last action: 21 May 2024

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Welcome Letter to the Au Pair

Hello, We have two young children - Bo Kyung is 6 and Tae Kyung is 3. I'm a full time stay at home mom and Michael is an attorney at a law firm. The kids go to a Waldorf inspired homeschool pod across the street from our house from 9-3. They both go swimming and in the fall I plan to add sports and martial arts to their activities. Bo Kyung is slower to warm up but once she is comfortable she will show you her incredible imagination and artistic creativity. She really does create storylines that amaze me. Tae Kyung is a wonderful, bright, funny, cheerful boy. He brings joy into everyone's day that he enters.

I love to get together with extended family for holidays and if they are busy or going away then we just invite neighbors and friends from our community. It mostly centers around food and talking and laughing. We go on a lot of vacations especially in January, February, July and August because those are the slowest work months for Michael. Summers are usually Shelter Island and Martha's Vineyard. We take weekend trips to Orlando, NC, Maine and DC to visit family. We also go into the city regularly to visit friends.

We are very easy going. Michael is a lot of fun and has a lot of energy. He likes to sing and play guitar with the kids. I love the beach and like to go as much as possible. We live about 20 minutes away from it.

I am very interested in a Korean fluent au pair for my children. Bo Kyung has a good foundation because we lived with my parents for a year during COVID but we moved out right before Tae Kyung was born so he doesn't know as much as her. To help with that I am driving him 2 hours into the city for a Korean immersion preschool but I would like more integration of the language and manners and customs into our daily lives.

Day to day would look like getting them ready for school by 9 am including packing a lunch and cleaning the kitchen after their breakfast. Then after school ends at 3 pm you would either accompany me to their activities or if we are comfortable enough with your driving then you might drive them on your own. (We are VERY safety oriented especially with regard to driving.) Then it's home, dinner, clean up and play until bedtime. The hope is that Michael and I would also be able to go on dates sometimes as well!
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Additional pictures

Family Information

Family has pets No

Family lives in Town

Parent's Age Group 40-55

Are you a single parent? No, our family has two parents

Nationality American

Languages spoken at home English

Religion Christian

Importance of religion Not important

Employment Housewife / Attorney

People living in the house 4

Children's/people's age and gender 3 Year male
6 Year female

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Job Requirements

Swimming required - Yes
Riding a bike required - Yes
First Aid Training required - Yes
Driving required - Yes

Working Hours (per week) 40 - 45

Pocket Money of Au Pair, Live-in Tutor (per month) 800 USD

Required Gender No Preferences

Duration of Stay 1-24 Months

Earliest Starting Date May 2024

Latest Starting Date Dec 2026

Looking for Au Pair and Live-in Tutor

Children's/People's Age 1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old

Children/People to take care of 2

Minimum Childcare Experience No preferences

We need a tutor who can teach Sport

How old are the students the Tutor should teach? Toddlers (2-3) & Primary school (6-12)

We need assistance and support in

Preferred Nationalities Korean

Language Skills
 Korean, Minimum Native Language

Education Level No preferences

Willing to pay/share the travel costs? -

Required Age 18-75

Accepts Smokers No

Taking care of special needs children/people required No

Taking care of pets required No

Swimming required Yes

Riding a bike required Yes

The applicant can attend language courses Yes

First Aid Training required Yes

Driving required Yes

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Family Description

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