Hallo liebe AuPair, wir leben mit unserer vierköpfigen Familie in Ingolstadt in einem Haus mit Garten. Wir benötigen eine türkischsprachige AuPair, natürlich wird die deutsche Kultur und Sprache in vollem Umfang weitervermittelt. Hier geht es nur um die sprachliche Erziehung unserer Zwillingskinder Dünya und Cihan. Zusätzlich haben wir ...
Hello, we are a lively and nice family of four with a good mix of nationalities. We live in Ingolstadt in a house with a garden. We are of German/Japanese/Georgian origin and try to raise the children in three languages. Unfortunately, since we both work, we need some help. We would be delighted to welcome an au pair girl in Ingolstadt
Hello, We are a family of 4 living in Germany for more than 10 years. We are currently living in city of Ingolstadt, which is quite an easy to reach town with gret bus connectivity and city center can be reached in about 15 minutes, and also other key shopping areas. Our neighborhood is welcoming and residential and the kids are very ...
We are happy to introduce Susanne's family based in Ingolstadt (Big City), Germany looking for Au Pair and Nanny. The family is of German origin and speaks German on a daily basis. The family consists of 3 people and has 1 children (0 - 1 year old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and Nanny and start the program - the start date is from Jan 2025 to Feb 2025. The family needs the Au Pair and ...
We are happy to introduce Martina's family based in Nittel (Countryside), Germany who would like to hire Au Pair. The family is of German origin and speaks German, English & French on a daily basis. Martina's family is of 4 people and has 2 children (6 - 10 years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and start the program at the earliest in Mar 2025 and at the latest in Mar 2025. The family ...
Liebes Au-Pair, wir sind Ana, Malina, Ira und Olli. Wir wohnen in Berlin-Steglitz in einem Haus. Du bekommst Dein eigenes Zimmer und eigenes Bad. Eine Schule zum Deutsch lernen befindet sich fußläufig ganz in der Nähe. Ana und Malina gehen in einen Kindergarten gleich um die Ecke. Ira arbeitet als Verkäuferin, Olli leitet eine Firma. Wir ...
Dear au pair, we are a very loving and fun family with twins aged 7 who are looking forward to getting to know you and welcoming you as a new family member. We live in a house with a large garden and you would get your own room and bathroom. As we live in a very rural and holiday region, you can go jogging or cycling right out of our front ...
Liebes zukünftiges Au-Pair, wir, Nina und Wolfgang (38 und 42), wohnen mit unseren zwei süßen Jungs, Julian (6 Jahre) und Niklas (2 Jahre) sowie Nina‘s Mutter Traudl (kurz „Oma Traudl“, 76 Jahre) in einem schönen, sonnigen großen Haus mit eigenem Garten am Stadtrand von München. Wir hatten die letzten 2 Jahre bereits Au-Pairs: erst ...
We are happy to introduce Markus's family based in Fleischwangen (Village), Germany looking for Au Pair and Nanny. Markus's family is German and communicates in German at home. Markus's family is of 3 people and contains 2 children (6 - 10 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair and Nanny program - the start date is from Dec 2024 to Mar 2025. The family needs the Au Pair and Nanny for ...
Liebes Au Pair, wir suchen einen Kontaktfreudige, liebevolle und herzliches Au Pair das uns sich um Jayden und Keanu liebevoll kümmert und sich auch und unserem Hund Gizmo kümmert. Wir haben eine großes haus mit Garten und Wohnen mitten im großen Ruhrgebiet. Wir erwarten ein ehrliches und offenes Miteinander.