La maison fais 150 M2 sur 2 étages. Il y a un jardin de 100 M2 envions et une piscine. A l'étage il y a deux chambres, celle des filles et peut etre la votre. Au rez de chaussé il y a la cuisine, un grand salon un couloir et ma chambre et avec un petit
Hello, we are a blended family living in the countryside at the gates of Montpellier, 10 minutes by car from the city center and the Mediterranean beaches. In the city center, you will find several schools offering French courses, where you can get to by tram from a park and ride for more convenience. Two TGV stations will allow you to discover ...
Estamos a procura de um cuidador de idoso 84 anos doente de Alzheimer. Vivo em Montpellier no sul da França. Temos preciso de uma pessoa que sabe cuidar de uma pessoa idosa, precisa de dar banho, ajuda para ir a casa de banho, necessita limparlo depois, ajuda para vestir.... Passear com ele, jugar com ele... Tambem cuidar da casa, limpeza, ...
Meet Viviane's family from France, from Annecy (Town) looking for Au Pair and Nanny. The family is of Canadian nationality and communicates in English, Spanish & French at home. The family of Viviane is made up of 4 people and contains 2 children (0 - 1 year old, 11 - 14 years old). The family would like to start the Au Pair and Nanny program around Jun 2025 - Jul 2025. The family needs the Au ...
Dear au pair, We would like to welcome you as an au pair in our family, in Couvron and Aumencourt, France. Your stay will start in July 2025 for a duration of 7 months. We are very happy to participate in this cultural exchange to help you improve your language skills and introduce you to our culture. During your stay with us, you will help ...
Meet JEAN MICHEL's family from France, from Lille (Big City) who would like to hire Au Pair and Nanny. JEAN MICHEL's family is French and communicates in English & French at home. The family of JEAN MICHEL is made up of 3 people and includes 2 children (0 - 1 year old, 1 - 5 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair and Nanny program around Mar 2025 - Apr 2025. The family needs the Au ...
Dear au pair, We hope you are well and looking forward to starting this beautiful adventure with our family. We wanted to take this opportunity to give you an overview of who we are, our daily life and what we expect from this experience. We are a family composed of my daughter Alba 3 years old and me. We live in Lille near the metro, the area ...
Bonjour je suis un parent divorcé il cherche quelqu'un pour m'aider au quotidien pour m'occuper de ma petite fille de 9 ans et demi. je cherche quelqu'un pour l'amener à l'école ( je mets à disposition une voiture) le matin qui puisse aussi préparer les repas. je souhaite quel âge on opère qui sera là soit complètement intégré à la ...
Hello, I live in Ramatuelle, very close to the beach on foot. Following a diving accident, I am temporarily more or less immobilized, slightly. I cannot drive, but have a vehicle, scooter, bicycles, paddles. A caretaker takes care of the outside house, very friendly and handyman, maintenance, garden, work etc.. I am the father of two girls, in ...
I m interested to learn a foreign langage among these: spanish, german, russian, italien or improve my english. I m teacher and living in Marseille in France. Your salary is 380e by month for 6h lessons by week. Food and room free.