Family ID: 3036834

Children: 1 Children, 6 - 10 years old

City: Lima / Big City | More ⇩

Name Kelly


Postal code Only Premium members

Job Start: Feb 2024 - Jan 2026

Time of stay: 12-24 Months

Last action: 5 days ago

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Welcome Letter to the Au Pair

My name is Kelly and I live in Lima-Perú. My house is in Surco which is a big neighborhood and it’s like 20-25mins drive away from Mira (which is the most popular neighborhood for foreigners). I live at home with several family members since it’s a big place. I’m looking forward to find a lady who can take care of my daughter. She’s a very lovable; playful and active 7 years old. She will start 2nd grade and she does a lot of extra curricular classes (most of them at home since we have the space). You will have to take care of her stuff aka playroom; clothes; her breakfast; clean toys and accompanying her while she does her classes. I am most of the time at home since I have a hybrid job; I’m separated so my priority is my daughter. I’m not into parties and I don’t get out of home after 6PM. The only Spanish school I know it’s like 20mins approximately away (by car) from my house, if you look for English school there’s one 15mins approximately by car as well. I’m very easygoing and friendly as well as my family.
We love to do some traveling so if the au pair or nanny feels like joining us that’s a plus.
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Job Description

I will love for someone who loves to play, my daughter is 7 and she loves to swim… use her outdoor toys; skate; nor watch movies. We also go to the mall so she can play at different outdoor games.
My daughter is also very neat and likes her things to be organized. Therefore, I look for someone who will keep everything in place and clean. You will also be in charge of washing my daughter’s clothes (we have laundry machines) and keep her closet organized. If you know how to swim that’s a plus and you can swim with her at the pool. Since she’s on a break you can accompany her while she does her extra curricular classes. In March she’ll go to school until 3PM (so her extra curricular classes will be after)

Regarding the payment it’ll be paid in local currency (the USD currency it’s at a referential exchange rate)
For Au Pair (1,025 Nuevos Soles)
Nanny (up to 1,800 Nuevos Soles)

Any doubts feel free to contact
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Family Information

Family has pets - Yes

Family has pets Yes

Family lives in Big City

Parent's Age Group 30-45

Are you a single parent? Yes, I am a single mother

Nationality Peruvian

Languages spoken at home English, French, Spanish

Religion Catholic

Importance of religion Not important

Employment Administration

People living in the house 7

Children's/people's age and gender 7 Year female

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Job Requirements

Swimming required - Yes
Riding a bike required - Yes
First Aid Training required - Yes

Working Hours (per week) 40 - 45

Pocket Money of Au Pair (per month) 267 USD

Salary of Nanny (per month) 480 USD

Required Gender Female

Duration of Stay 12-24 Months

Earliest Starting Date Feb 2024

Latest Starting Date Jan 2026

Looking for Au Pair and Nanny

Children's/People's Age 6 - 10 years old

Children/People to take care of 1

Minimum Childcare Experience No preferences

We need a tutor who can teach

How old are the students the Tutor should teach?

We need assistance and support in

Preferred Nationalities No Preferences

Language Skills
 English, Minimum Native Language
- and -
 Spanish, Minimum Advanced (C1)

Education Level High school

Willing to pay/share the travel costs? Share

Required Age 18-46

Accepts Smokers No

Taking care of special needs children/people required No

Taking care of pets required No

Swimming required Yes

Riding a bike required Yes

The applicant can attend language courses Yes

First Aid Training required Yes

Driving required No

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Family Description

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You will have a share room with the cooking lady but you can get a private bathroom. I can also offer you WiFi and 3 meals. I will also get you some snacks if you like them and everything else you might need feel free to discuss it.