Wir sind eine Familie mit vier Kindern – drei Mädchen und ein Junge im Alter von 12 bis 4 Jahren. Wir leben in München und sind auf der Suche nach einem Au-pair, das Lust auf eine warmherzige, freundliche, lustige und chaotische Familie hat. Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn unser Au-pair nicht nur bei der Kinderbetreuung hilft, sondern auch ...
We live in the beautiful Trudering district of Munich. The nearest bus stop is just a few minutes away. There are many options in the immediate
wir sind eine fünf-köpfige Familie aus München und haben drei Kinder im Alter von 15, 4 und 3 Jahren. Wir wohnen in einem Haus, sehr zentral und in Laufweite zur Isar und den Isarauen. Unser Aupair sollte hauptsächlich mit der Betreuung der zwei kleinen Kinder helfen, daher brauchen wir jemanden der liebevoll, kinderlieb, ...
Hello, we are a family of four and live in Munich. My husband is a geographer and I am a self-employed accountant. We have a daughter (7 years old) and a son (4.5 years old). We would be very happy to have an au pair from Brazil this year, as my husband is Brazilian and we would like to teach the children the language. My husband will probably ...
Servus, Dzien Dobry & Grüezi! We are a cheerful Swiss-Polish family who like to do a lot. Be it hiking in the mountains, traveling (mostly Europe) or organizing a BBQ with friends - we rarely get bored. As our 3-year-old daughter is getting a little brother in November, we are looking for help at home from January 2025. We have a spacious ...
We are a small, international family: Lilis from Indonesia, Markus from Germany and our son Leon Mahendra, who will be 3 years old in June 2025. We are non-smokers and from December 2024 we will be living in a large semi-detached house in the west of Munich with a guest room and bathroom for our future au pair. The bus and subway are just a few ...
We live in Allach with our own S-Bahn connection. In 20 minutes you can be right at Marienplatz. There are plenty of language schools within a 30-minute radius (by public transport). Shops for daily needs are within walking
At AuPair.com you can get to know Rene's family coming from München (Big City), Germany searching for Au Pair. The family is of German origin and speaks German, English, Italian & Spanish at home. The family of Rene is made up of 3 people and has 2 children (1 - 5 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair program at the earliest in Oct 2024 and at the latest in Mar 2025. They want ...
At AuPair.com you can get to know Udeep's family coming from Munchen (Town), Germany who would like to hire Au Pair. The family is of English origin and communicates in English at home. The family of Udeep is made up of 4 people and has 2 children (1 - 5 years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and start the program - the start date is from May 2025 to Jun 2025. They want their Au Pair ...
Dear Au Pair, in the following I could tell you a lot about our family. As we already lived with numerous au pairs from the US, Philippines, and Kenya (minimum stay 1-3 years), I find that the only meaningful introduction to each other is an initial video call . Therefore, I would highly appreciate to receive your contact details to have an ...