We are a family from Madrid with two children aged 8 and 10. We are looking for someone to look after the children while we work and take advantage of this situation to improve the family's level of English. We believe that the Au Pair programme suits our needs and that we could have an enriching cultural exchange experience for both parties. We ...
We are a multicultural family, half german/swiss and half spanish. We are looking for an Au Pair who wants to spend this summer with us between Madrid and La Rioja. We all will happy to extend the stay more month if you are looking for a long-term experience! We will be happy to meet you ;) All the best Alonso Finsterbusch
Buenos días futura Aupair, Somos una familia de cinco miembros ( los Pdtes y tres niños). Estamos buscando una Aupair para el próximo curso escolar. Vivimos en Madrid capital y nos gustaría que se pusiera en contacto con nosotros usen este interesada. Así podremos explicarle más detalladamente lo que podemos ofrecer y lo que ...
Wir sind eine österreichische Familie in Spanien. Meine Eltern (78 und 81 Jahre) sind vor über 50 Jahren beruflich nach Madrid gezogen und leben heute noch dort in einem netten Vorort, 17 km von Madrid entfernt mit bester Anbindung. Ihre Wohnung liegt in einer Siedlung mit Gartenanlage und Schwimmbad, was in Madrider Vororten sehr typisch ist. ...
Hola!!! Somos Luis (yo) y Miguel. Vivimos en Pinar de Chamartín una zona residencial de la zona norte de Madrid. Es una zona muy tranquila que está muy bien comunicada con el centro vía metro (Lineas 1 y 4) y varios autobuses.
We are happy to introduce MIHAELA's family based in MADRID (Town), Spain looking for Au Pair and Nanny. The family is of Spanish origin and communicates in Spanish at home. The family consists of 4 people and has 2 children (1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and Nanny and start the program at the earliest in Jun 2025 and at the latest in Jul 2025. They want ...
Buenas tardes: Somos una familia española, vivimos en Madrid (la capital) yo tengo madre inglesa y soy bilingüe en inglés. Somos un matrimonio con una hija- Claudia- de 2 años y 4 meses y queremos contratar una Au-Pair con inicio en Agosto 2025 durante 9 a 12 meses ó más si la Au-Pair quisiese quedarse más tiempo. Nos parece una ...
Meet Ester's family from Spain, from Madrid (Suburb) looking for Au Pair and Nanny. The family is of Spanish nationality and speaks Catalan & Spanish at home. The family of Ester is made up of 5 people and includes 2 children (1 - 5 years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and Nanny and start the program at the earliest in Mar 2025 and at the latest in Oct 2025. They want their Au Pair ...
Dear au pair, We are an easy going family who already had 3 lovely au-pairs living in during the last 2.5 years (2 of them during 10 months and current one during 4 months). We live in a lovely neighborhood in the center of Madrid (very well connected). We have two children, a 6-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl. We want an independent ...
We are happy to introduce Sara's family based in Madrid (Big City), Spain looking for Au Pair and Nanny. The family is of Spanish origin and speaks Spanish & French at home. The family of Sara is made up of 4 people and includes 2 children (0 - 1 year old, 1 - 5 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair and Nanny program - the start date is from Mar 2025 to Mar 2025. They want their Au ...