Family ID: 3441733

Children: 3 Children, 1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old

City: Miesbach / Town | More ⇩

Name Franziska

State Bavaria

Postal code Only Premium members

Job Start: Jan 2025 - Mar 2025

Time of stay: 12-24 Months

Last action: 1 days ago

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Profile Visited by 30 Job Seekers in last 3 weeks
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Welcome Letter to the Au Pair

Originally translated from Deutsch
Dear AuPair
We are delighted to welcome you to our family.
We are:
Mom Franziska (39 years old), Dad Christian (40 years old) and our 3 wonderful children Johanna (9 years old), Anian (7 years old) and Zacharias (soon to be 4 years old). We are a fun, adventurous and happy family. We love traveling in our camper van, love nature, exercise and discovering new places. We love being in warm places, mostly in Italy, love playing by the sea, but at home we often go into the forest and play by the stream. In winter there is usually snow where we live, where we go sledding right by the house. Johanna can already ski quite well, Zacharias will learn this year. We love winter sports, skiing, ice skating or sledding. Anian doesn't like the cold so much, he prefers to go back to the warmth straight away.
Otherwise we like exercise, whether it's cycling, swimming in the nearby Schliersee or Tegernsee, or in the outdoor pool. We parents love hiking in the mountains, and we take Johanna and Zacharias with us. Christian also likes climbing. Johanna and Zacharias have also found great pleasure in climbing.
Our dear Anian was born with Down syndrome and he is just cool! But of course he is difficult to raise. If he doesn't want to do something, he likes to sit in the middle of the road and it takes a lot of patience to motivate him to carry on. Anian also likes to be out and about, likes to be around people, and is very sociable. But if the stimuli are too much for him and I notice it too late, he likes to scream quite loudly or goes on strike, as described above. We try to include Anian as much as possible. I take him to parent-child gymnastics, ball sports, the bike park, the playground and much more. However, you can already see the muscular hypotonia (weakness of muscle tone) caused by the syndrome. Anian can walk and likes to move around, but you must never forget that everything Anian does, whether speaking, crafting, eating, running, walking, jumping on the trampoline, is 1000 times harder for him and he has to exert himself much more than other children. That's why he gets tired quickly and needs constant breaks. It's also difficult for Anian to keep himself busy. Unfortunately, he spends far too much time on his tablet or watching TV for my liking. Anian also has a low awareness of danger. I do let him have some freedom and explore the garden on his own, but I always have to keep an eye on him.
Johanna is an incredibly great big sister. She is very caring, especially towards Anian, and she can handle him pretty well. Johanna is fully integrated into the ski club, sings in the Protestant children's choir, likes to do crafts and has recently started sewing on the sewing machine. Unfortunately, she is often neglected in our family.
Zacharias is such a sweet little 3-year-old, but he also has quite a temper and unfortunately hasn't been able to deal with Anian very well yet. Unfortunately, the two of them aren't able to play together yet. Zacharias has also been hit and pushed a lot (unintentionally, of course) by Anian. Yes, they are two brothers who tend to argue, but it's difficult for us. I can't leave the two boys alone, not for a second, because I'm afraid that Anian will, for example, push Zacharias down the stairs as a reflex. Zacharias has a lot of energy, likes to go to gymnastics and wants to start playing football next spring.

Christian and I have been married for 10 years and also have a small company where we rent out mobile homes. Every day we try to manage our turbulent, exhausting and lovable family as harmoniously as possible. Unfortunately, we have been less and less successful in doing this for almost 2 years. Our batteries are empty and that's why we "look forward to and need" YOU, dear AuPair.

My wishes and expectations of YOU: I am alone with all 3 children every afternoon. I drive the children to their sports activities, organize the household and also have to put food on the table. In the mornings I am usually in the home office or out and about. I need you for the afternoons, where you play with or supervise one of the children while I drive the other child to therapy or for leisure time. I ask that you help with the household, that is, setting and clearing the table, dishwasher, tidying up toys, vacuuming, occasionally cooking. I also need your help on the weekend, but usually only in the mornings.

What can we offer you? A beautiful room with a skylight and an outside window. We will completely redesign the room for you, you are welcome to tell me your wishes, what you would like to have in the room, I will try to fulfill your wish. Otherwise we takeI'd be happy to go with you anywhere if you want. We can go on trips together into the city, into nature, to the lake, into the mountains, or on holiday to Italy. We want to fully integrate you, but also give you and us privacy and distance. I think it's really very brave of you to take such a step, to live in another country and with another family for a year. I want you to feel comfortable with us. Please always talk to me. Christian and I can both speak English and are looking forward to improving our English with you and, of course, to teaching you the best German possible. We have a good language school here in Miesbach that you can attend in the mornings. We also have many integrative offers in the Protestant community center in Miesbach, such as the international women's breakfast.

I think it's important to treat each other and show respect, as well as to communicate in a friendly and polite way. In our family, there are sometimes arguments, it gets loud and we swear, but we always try to have a happy and harmonious family life. And you can make a big contribution to this by supporting us with our daily tasks and activities. Finally, dear AuPair, I am so happy about your support and I hope that we talk a lot to each other so that we can get to know your customs, wishes and values ​​and you can get to know the customs, expectations and values ​​of our family and we can try to combine them together.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you
Your family
Franziska, Christian, Johanna, Anian and Zacharias
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Job Description

Originally translated from Deutsch
Daily tasks:
We ask that you help out a little with the household every day. Your tasks are, for example: setting the table and clearing it, loading and unloading the dishwasher. Wipe kitchen counters and table clean. Vacuum or cook if necessary.
Weekly tasks: I can't think of anything right now. ?
Looking after the children's room and toys: I ask that you always tidy up the toys with the children before you play another game or leave the room.

Your main working hours will be:
7-9 a.m. prepare breakfast, get the children ready for school, put breakfast away
3-5 p.m. play, crafts, activities with the children
6-8 p.m. set the table, children play, clean the kitchen.

Special needs of the children: Anian has Down syndrome and is up for any fun, but if he doesn't want to then it can be very difficult and time-consuming to convince him. You then need a lot of patience. Playing together with Anian and Zacharias is very difficult. It's best if we split up. Either you play with Anian or with Zacharias. Then we can take turns and Johanna and Zacharias can be with you regularly.

You are welcome to prepare meals, and I may have to ask you to do so occasionally.

I don't know yet what times you have to attend family meals. You are always invited to eat with us.

Free time:
I don't know yet what days off and working hours you have. In general, you have every morning off during school time. I think I'll need you first thing in the morning (as described above) and after a little housework you have free time until about 2 p.m.

There are many leisure activities in Miesbach. You can walk the 15 minutes to Miesbach, we have a library, the train goes directly from Miesbach either to a beautiful lake or in the other direction to the big city of Munich. There is a great community center in Miesbach that offers an integration course for young international people in Miesbach every day from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. As already mentioned, we as a family also like to go on leisure trips into nature, to zoos or amusement parks and we like to go on vacation. You are welcome to join in!

Communication and rules:

In our family, communication is very important. You come from a country that we Germans don't even know, and vice versa. We have to talk a lot, about positive things but also about negative things. I will talk about what I don't like and you have to talk about it too if you don't like something or don't want something or don't like something. I am very grateful that you give me feedback. I don't want you to have to eat something for a year that you don't actually like!!!!
Certain houserules: There are definitely house rules, some of which may be addressed or added later. For example, we have absolute quiet at night. If you are listening to music or watching TV or using a laptop (do you have a laptop with you?), please respect the children's bedtime. Your room is also on the same floor as all the bedrooms and Johanna's room is right next to it.
Our house phone can only be used for calls within Germany. If you want to call India, this must always be done via WiFi or LAN. You have a LAN connection and WiFi in your room.

We have a bike at home that you can use or Johanna will certainly lend you her scooter, which you can use to drive to Miesbach. Otherwise, the city is a 15-minute walk away. There is also a bus service right on the street to our house and the train station is also right in Miesbach. You may occasionally have to pick up Zacharias from kindergarten. It is easy to reach by bike or on foot. Anian's occupational therapy is also always on Wednesdays and you can go there with him by bike or on foot. (But then you have to be quick. Anian can be very fast on the balance bike (a bike without pedals, he pedals with his feet) BUT he can't brake!!!

Personal care and support
We are happy to help you learn German, arrange a language course for you in Miesbach and involve you in everything so that you get to know people and culture in Germany and especially here in Bavaria. As mentioned above, we can also support you in your wish to train as a nurse.

How can we help you to get used to life with the family and in the new country quickly and easily? We want to make your room beautiful for you, and you are welcome to express your wishes about what you would like to have in your room
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Family Information

Taking care of special needs children/people required - Yes

Family has pets No

Family lives in Town

Parent's Age Group 30-45

Are you a single parent? No, our family has two parents

Nationality German

Languages spoken at home German

Religion Catholic

Importance of religion Important

Employment Medical assistant / Medical assistant

People living in the house 5

Children's/people's age and gender 9 Year female
7 Year male
3 Year male

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Job Requirements

Working Hours (per week) 30 - 35

Pocket Money of Au Pair (per month) 280 EUR

Required Gender Female

Duration of Stay 12-24 Months

Earliest Starting Date Jan 2025

Latest Starting Date Mar 2025

Looking for Au Pair

Children's/People's Age 1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old

Children/People to take care of 3

Minimum Childcare Experience 200+

We need a tutor who can teach

How old are the students the Tutor should teach?

We need assistance and support in

Preferred Countries India

Preferred Nationalities Indian

Language Skills
 German, Minimum Intermediate (B1)
- and -
 English, Minimum Elementary (A2)

Education Level No preferences

Willing to pay/share the travel costs? nein

Required Age 20-26

Accepts Smokers No

Taking care of special needs children/people required Yes

Taking care of pets required No

Swimming required No

Riding a bike required No

The applicant can attend language courses Yes

First Aid Training required No

Driving required No

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Family Description

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Originally translated from Deutsch
Dear AuPair, You will of course have your own room with a skylight and two large windows. A comfortable bed, a large desk, a chair to chill in and a wardrobe. Wifi is readily available in your room. We can also provide you with a tablet. You can have your own bathroom, but the children go to the toilet there regularly.