Hallo! Ich heiße Roza und wohne mit meiner Familie auf dem Land in Ligurien. Das Meer ist 15 Minuten mit dem Auto von uns erreichbar. Wir haben ein großes wunderschönes Grundstück. Als Tiere haben wir Hühner und drei Katzen. Unsere zwei Kinder, Masha und Malik, gehen in ein, eine Outdoor Kindergarten, Schule.
CIAO! Siamo la famiglia Tenan Siamo io Michela, mio marito Oles, i nostri figli Milo, 7 anni e Mia, 2 mesi e Max, un grande, adorabile e dolce cane di 1,5 anni. Abitiamo a Vimodrone, a 5 minuti da Milano, a 25 minuti dal centro di Milano che può essere facilmente raggiunto utilizzando la vicina stazione della metropolitana. Se è ...
We don't have premium at the moment so we can't answer your messages From February 1st we will be premium. We are looking for a sunny girl for our children aged 3 and 8. From April 1st to October
Hello everyone! We are a family living in a big city in northern Italy, even though we sometimes escape from the chaos and find some relief in the Alps or on the seaside! We are Lorenzo and Valentina, and we love outdoor adventures, music, and cooking! Our daughter, Matilde, is a lovely and smiling tornado. She loves moving, exploring the ...
Hi! Welcome to our family! We are mom, dad and 2 little girls (the first one was born in june 2022 and the second one in june 2024) and our dog! We live in a terraced house in Vergiate, a little village 50km far from Milan, 15 km far from lake Maggiore. There are trains and also buses that connect Vergiate with the main cities. Malpensa Airport is ...
Ciao, mi chiamo Wilson, sono un Papà Single di una Bimba per me Meravigliosa di 8 anni di nome MIA... Abitiamo in un piccolo borgo di 22000 abitanti, Santarcangelo di Romagna in provincia di Rimini...Regione Emilia Romagna! Abitiamo in Centro del paese, in estate si riempie di eventi...è uno spettacolo da vivere, molto turistica, ha una ...
Hi.. I'm Anna, I'll tell you something about us. We live in a small village in Trentino, unfortunately we are a bit far from the main cities but still reachable by public transport. Ours is a small mountain town, but with all the services, even a swimming pool... we are in close contact with nature, therefore many outdoor
Dear our future AU PAIR girl, hello ? ? We hope to find you through this ad, and you are very welcome to join our family. I come from Shanghai, my husband comes from Paris, we live in Rome. Please let me know how do you think of my profile? My husband and I are very flexible person. Duration: From April or From September for 3 months till 1 ...
HI! I'm happy to introduce myself! I'm Donatella, I'm 48 years old and I'm a psychotherapist. My husband is called Emiliano, he is 49 years old and works as a cargo surveyor for a multinational company. We have an almost 7 year old girl named Alida and two dogs, a small mixed breed and a golden retriever. We would like to have an experience with ...
Nonna ancora autosufficiente e recentemente vedova (ma con grande famiglia attorno) OFFRE ampia stanza confortevole a Monza centro ad una persona sveglia, onesta, curiosa e amichevole. Questo IN CAMBIO di un pochino di compagnia e condivisione delle faccende domestiche. La candidata deve avere una buona padronanza della lingua italiana, essere ...