Family ID: 3455222

Need Caregiver for elderly for:
Mobility support, Errands/Shopping, Cleaning & Laundry, Light domestic work, Cooking meals, Bathing & Dressing

City: st louis / Big City | More ⇩

Name Claudia

State Missouri

Postal code Only Premium members

Job Start: Jan 2025 - Mar 2025

Time of stay: 6-24 Months

Last action: 27 days ago

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Welcome Letter to the Au Pair

Hello, my name is Claudia and I'm a 70 year old woman living alone and need some help with day to day things like cooking and laundry. i dont need a chef, as i eat very simple. make me a sandwich or bring me some juice and I'l be happy. I am in a wheel chair and have an auto immune diseas called multiple sclerosis. I am currently on hospice and the illness is terminal (meaning I'm at the final stages of my life) I just need someone to help me with getting clothing on and off, get into bed from my chair and to help me with going to the bathroom and or adult diapers changes. my hobbies right now are reading, watching TV, drinking my red wine and smoking my cigaretts.
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Job Description

basic home skills like laundry, cleaning and light food prep/ cooking. I live alone and my home is very neat. The cleaning would not be very much as I dont have much mobility to make it dirty so it stays clean pretty well. kitchen and bathroom would be the areas that would require basic upkeep. nothing major. The biggest needs that i require would be helping me dress and undress, get in and out of bed and help with the using the toilet and or changing my adult diapers if there is an accident. you would be able to have plenty of free time to yourself as long as we can stay in contact if I were to need you when you are gone from the home.
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Family Information

Taking care of special needs children/people required - Yes

Family has pets No

Family lives in Big City

Age group of elderly/senior 55+

Does elderly/senior live alone? Yes, single female

Nationality American

Languages spoken at home English

Religion Catholic

Importance of religion Not important

Employment Retired

People living in the house 1

Age and gender of elderly/senior 69 Year female

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Job Requirements

Accepts Smokers - Yes
First Aid Training required - Yes

Working Hours (per week) 35 - 40

Salary of Caregiver for elderly (per month) 1000 USD

Required Gender Female

Duration of Stay 6-24 Months

Earliest Starting Date Jan 2025

Latest Starting Date Mar 2025

Looking for Caregiver for elderly

Children's/People's Age

Children/People to take care of -

Minimum Childcare Experience No preferences

We need a tutor who can teach

How old are the students the Tutor should teach?

We need assistance and support in Mobility support, Errands/Shopping, Cleaning & Laundry, Light domestic work, Cooking meals, Bathing & Dressing

Preferred Nationalities Brazilian, Colombian, Costarican, Filipino, German, Polish

Language Skills
 English, Minimum Beginner (A1)

Education Level No preferences

Willing to pay/share the travel costs? yes

Required Age 20-50

Accepts Smokers Yes

Taking care of special needs children/people required Yes

Taking care of pets required No

Swimming required No

Riding a bike required No

The applicant can attend language courses Yes

First Aid Training required Yes

Driving required No

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Family Description

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You would have your own cozy room and bed, wifi, cable tv, netflix hulu etc. You would have your own bathroom and i will provide groceries for the both of us. Just let me know what you want to eat and it will be on the grocery list! like I said, you would have plenty of free time to yourself when you're not needed for the minor needs that I have. the most important thing is that we have direct communication with eachother via cell phone if I were to fall out of my chair or my bed and you could come back to help me up. other than that, it would be great to have someone help me around the house as I have no use of my legs and I'm at the end of my life. I live in a very beautiful apartmnet building in down town St. Louis Missouri. The building has a beautiful private pool for you to use at your leasier . there is shopping, restraunts and other attractions close by, like the st. louis zoo, musiums and other historical attractions. I'm looking foreward to meeting you and have you help me in this last chapater of my life. thank you
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