At you can get to know Anna Maria's family coming from München (Big City), Germany searching for Au Pair and Nanny. The family is of German nationality and speaks German on a daily basis. The family of Anna Maria is made up of 4 people and has 2 children (0 - 1 year old, 1 - 5 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair and Nanny program around Sep 2025 - Nov 2025. The family ...
Here’s the English version: Hello! We are Malte and Karen, both 32 years old, living near Lüneburg with our almost two-year-old daughter. Our home is located in a beautiful area that offers a great balance between nature and city life, with plenty of opportunities for leisure activities. Our little daughter is a cheerful and curious ...
Hallo liebes zukünftiges AuPair, Wir sind Matthias und Cibele und wir suchen ab August 2025 ein AuPair-Mädchen, das idealerweise ein Jahr bei unserer Familie bleibt. Matthias arbeitet Vollzeit und ich werde in Teilzeit wieder zur Universität gehen. Morgens werden unsere Jungs im Kindergarten sein und nachmittags sind sie mit mir und Dir zu ...
Hallo, wir sind Andreas, Marisa, Benedikt und Jakob außerdem gehört eine liebenswerte Beagle Dame namens "Emmi" zu unserer Familie. Wir leben in einem Einfamilienhaus mit Garten in einem netten Vorort. Zur nächsten Stadt sind es nur ein paar Kilometer, dort gibt es eine Sprachschule, verschiedene Einkaufs- sowie Freizeitmöglichkeiten wie zum ...
Dear Applicant, We are a family of four with two boys, aged 3 and 5. We live in a small terraced house in the Böfingen district of Ulm. Both my wife and I have had the privilege of living abroad for several years, and we are excited to offer a similar opportunity to a young person like you. Currently, Lily, an au pair from the U.S., is ...
Servus, Dzien Dobry & Grüezi! We are a cheerful Swiss-Polish family who like to do a lot. Be it hiking in the mountains, traveling (mostly Europe) or organizing a BBQ with friends - we rarely get bored. As our 3-year-old daughter is getting a little brother in November, we are looking for help at home from January 2025. We have a spacious ...
Hallo, wir sind die Familie Mersch. Ausser den Eltern Markus und Katja, gibt es noch 2 Töchter. Nele ist 20 und Clara wird im September 6 Jahre alt. Wir suchen eine nette Au Pair, welche auch mit einer nicht typisch deutschen Familie leben möchte. Deine Aufgabe wäre es unsere Clara während der Woche morgens in den Kindergarten zu bringen und ...
Hello everyone, we want to become a host family!! We are a nice young family (mom, dad & 2 sons) and work from home. Our eldest son will be 3 years old in March 2025, our little son turned 6 months old in January and we have great accommodation options. In the best case scenario, you could move into your own apartment with a kitchen and a ...
Meet Michael's family from Germany, from Troisdorf (Suburb) looking for Au Pair. The family is of German origin and speaks German, English & Swahili on a daily basis. The family of Michael is made up of 3 people and contains 1 children (1 - 5 years old). The family would like to start the Au Pair program - the start date is from Feb 2025 to Mar 2025. They want their Au Pair program to last ...
Hello dear interested au pair, do you have at least German level A1? Do you have a driving license (car)? Are you between 20 and 26 years old? if yes, please read on. If not, please don't write to me! taking an au pair into our family and building mutual trust is not just a "job" Please read this letter before you apply for a ...