We are happy to introduce Zori's family based in Perl (Village), Germany looking for Granny Au Pair. Zori's family is Bulgarian and communicates in Bulgarian at home. Zori's family is of 3 people and includes 1 children (6 - 10 years old). The family wants to start the Granny Au Pair program - the start date is from May 2025 to May 2025. The family needs the Granny Au Pair for around 12-24 ...
Dear au pair, We look forward to getting to know you soon. We are a friendly and relaxed family: Dad Markus, Mom Friederike, Paolo & Mio. We live in a small town on the outskirts of Bamberg. Bamberg is a beautiful historic town and has a lot to offer young people. We live in a small house with a beautiful garden and all important places are ...
We are happy to introduce Maria's family based in Neuwied (Town), Germany looking for Au Pair. The family is of German nationality and speaks German on a daily basis. The family of Maria is made up of 3 people and has 1 children (0 - 1 year old). The family wants to start the Au Pair program - the start date is from Jul 2025 to Jul 2025. The family needs the Au Pair for around 7-12 Months.
NOTE: We want to meet our future Au-Pair at least once before she starts working with us. That's why we have to reject your request if you don't live in Germany or in Europe. Dear future Au-Pair, We are Gökçe, Felix and our daughter Helena and we look forward to meeting you! I, Gökçe, am 25 years old and am studying social education. My ...
Wir sind auf der Suche nach einem AuPair-Mädchen für unsere Kinder. Neo geht in den Kindergarten, Marvin geht in die Grundschule. Wir sind beide als Eltern selbständig und arbeiten auch einmal am Wochenende. Daher suchen wir eine offene, fröhliche Person, die uns flexibel unterstützt. Es ist uns wichtig, dass Du Dich in unsere Familie ...
Hallo, wir sind die Familie Mersch. Ausser den Eltern Markus und Katja, gibt es noch 2 Töchter. Nele ist 20 und Clara wird im September 6 Jahre alt. Wir suchen eine nette Au Pair, welche auch mit einer nicht typisch deutschen Familie leben möchte. Deine Aufgabe wäre es unsere Clara während der Woche morgens in den Kindergarten zu bringen und ...
Hello au pair, our 6-month-old daughter is looking forward to getting to know you, just like we are :) we live in the southern part of Germany. The vineyards, the Black Forest and Strasbourg are close to us. You will definitely like it
Hej Hej, wir sind Alex und Silvi und die drei kleinen Frechdachse Milena, Juri und Wim. Wir sind eine unternehmungslustige Familie und leben mit unseren Freunden auf einem Gemeinschaftshof in der Nähe von Berlin (60 Min mit Zug oder Auto). Wir lieben es, Zeit mit den Kindern draussen im Garten zu verbringen und Fahrrad zu fahren. Unser ...
Hello dear interested au pair, do you have at least German level A1? Do you have a driving license (car)? Are you between 20 and 26 years old? if yes, please read on. If not, please don't write to me! taking an au pair into our family and building mutual trust is not just a "job" Please read this letter before you apply for a ...
Dear future friend, welcome to our page. We recently moved to Hamburg-Germany and became parents again. I (Elly) am staying at home, but my husband (Felix) is busy working during the week. In order to give our older child the attention she deserves, we are looking for support from you. We are located at an outer district of Hamburg, the second ...