Family ID: 1834169

Children: 2 Children, 6 - 10 years old, 11 - 14 years old

City: Roma / Big City | More ⇩

Name Daniele

State Lazio

Postal code Only Premium members

Job Start: Aug 2025 - Sep 2025

Time of stay: 4-24 Months

Last action: 7 days ago

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Added as favorite 3 time in the last 3 weeks
Profile Visited by 113 Job Seekers in last 3 weeks
Answer Rate - Very active in replying

Welcome Letter to the Au Pair

*able to drive manual car
*good level of English
*starting end August or early September 2025
Dear Aupair, are you ready to be welcomed into your new Italian family?
Based in Rome you will be able to explore all the wonders that Italy has to offer: culture, art, sea, mountains, food and the typical Italian atmosphere.
You will find an open-minded and caring family, with host experiences, family with an open spot to welcome you as a new family member, going beyond the employee-employer relationship.
You will be involved in the new environment living immersed in a new lifestyle also through crazy and funny moments.
The bond you will establish with parents and children will allow us to have a 360-degree mutual cultural exchange and full sharing of experiences and will last over time.
We can't wait to know you!
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Job Description

As any family, we are quite busy, so we are looking for some help and support for the daily routine and we strongly believe in the additional value provided by the cultural exchange of the Aupair experience.
We are looking for a "big siter" for our sons.
Sunny, proactive, not picky and, above all, flexible person who is family oriented and highly motivated to embrace the Aupair experience becoming part of our family by sharing her experiences with us and with the desire to experience the Italian lifestyle trying and learning new things.
A person who would like to experience a new everyday life, rather than just being a "tourist" on holiday in Rome, or spending most of her time on the internet/social media.
We expect an open and sincere relationship based on clear and continuous dialogue.

Thanks to you, we would like to improve our English language (kids known just few sentences) and to learn about your culture and we will help you to improve your Italian language.

All mornings, all weekeds and the main Italian holidays will be free for you.
You will not be requested you to clean and reorder the whole house
You will spend your working days afternoons taking care of our sons (usually 14:00 till 19:30).

Furthermore we kindly appreciate two additional "adult hands" within the housework, mainly managing the laundry for all the family (do the laundry, hang out and fold clothes and ironing), and helping with other few tasks.
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Family Information

Family has pets No

Family lives in Big City

Parent's Age Group 40-55

Are you a single parent? No, our family has two parents

Nationality Italian

Languages spoken at home English, Italian

Religion Catholic

Importance of religion Not important

Employment Office clerk / Office clerk

People living in the house 4

Children's/people's age and gender 11 Year male
8 Year male

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Job Requirements

Driving required - Yes

Working Hours (per week) 25 - 30

Pocket Money of Au Pair (per month) 350 EUR

Required Gender Female

Duration of Stay 4-24 Months

Earliest Starting Date Aug 2025

Latest Starting Date Sep 2025

Looking for Au Pair

Children's/People's Age 6 - 10 years old, 11 - 14 years old

Children/People to take care of 2

Minimum Childcare Experience No preferences

We need a tutor who can teach

How old are the students the Tutor should teach?

We need assistance and support in

Preferred Nationalities No Preferences

Language Skills
 English, Minimum Upper intermediate (B2)

Education Level No preferences

Willing to pay/share the travel costs? No

Required Age 17-29

Accepts Smokers No

Taking care of special needs children/people required No

Taking care of pets required No

Swimming required No

Riding a bike required No

The applicant can attend language courses Yes

First Aid Training required No

Driving required Yes

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Family Description

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We live in the south part of Rome very close to EUR district.
20 minutes by car from Colosseum or Vatican City.
The area is called Torrino-Mezzocammino, an outskirt of Rome where around 13,000 people live, with a very quiet and very green environment.
The wide roads and the absence of traffic jams help you if you don't usually drive in a big city.
A long cycle path and many parks, some with sport courts and equipment for gymnastic exercises, allow you to keep fit while being outdoors..

Our house is in a residential complex and has 3 floors. Your private room (with bathroom and wifi) is on the top floor with 3 windows and a terrace that give a lot of light and allow a splendid view.
Our bedrooms are on the second floor and the kitchen and living room are on the first floor.
We have also a small garden where kids can play and where we do BBQ.
Usually May to September we eat in the external part of the house just in front of the garden.
We have no pets.
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