At you can get to know Karim's family coming from Hamburg (Big City), Germany searching for Au Pair. The family is of German nationality and speaks Arabic, English & German at home. The family consists of 5 people and contains 3 children (1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair program around Apr 2025 - May 2025. The family needs the Au Pair for ...
We are a family with a 6-year-old son and live in Schönbrunn in Germany. Our little boy will start school next year. We live in a newly built house with a large garden and are looking for an au pair as soon as possible to look after our little boy on weekdays, as we both
Liebes Au-pair, wir sind eine junge Familie mit 3 Kindern. Wir wohnen ländlich, die nächste Stadt (Rheinbach) ist mit dem Bus oder Fahrrad in 10min zu erreichen. Unsere beiden jüngsten Kinder sind 1 und 2 Jahre alt, eines ist Zuhause und eines geht in den Kindergarten. Es sind 2 Autos vorhanden, der nächste Sprachkurs kann in Rheinbach ...
We are happy to introduce Miriam's family based in Meersburg (Town), Germany looking for Au Pair and Nanny. The family is of German nationality and speaks German, English & French at home. Miriam's family is of 4 people and has 2 children (6 - 10 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair and Nanny program at the earliest in Apr 2025 and at the latest in Jun 2025. The family needs the Au ...
We are looking for a sweet active lady. Who can take care of our 2 fantastic children for 1 whole day and 3 days in the afternoon. We both have our own company, and are looking for someone who can help us with the children and also in the household. Light household tasks. 3 days a meal for dinner would also be nice. We live in Germany on the ...
Hello, we are looking for an aupair to support our family. We are living in Munich and have a soon 6 year old daugther and 3 year old son. Both kids attend the kindergarden/school during the day and we need help to get the kids ready the morning, walk them to the kindergarden / pick them up and play with them in the afternoon. We are living in ...
We are happy to introduce Sahar's family based in Wiesbaden (Town), Germany who would like to hire Au Pair and Granny Au Pair. Sahar's family is German and speaks German at home. The family of Sahar is made up of 3 people and includes 1 children (1 - 5 years old, 6 - 10 years old). The family would like to start the Au Pair and Granny Au Pair program around Feb 2025 - Mar 2025. They want their ...
We are happy to introduce Marharyta's family based in Großhelfendorf (Suburb), Germany looking for Au Pair and Home share with elderly. The family is of German origin and speaks German on a daily basis. The family wants to start the Au Pair and Home share with elderly program - the start date is from Feb 2025 to Feb 2025. The family needs the Au Pair and Home share with elderly for around 3-12 ...
Hallo, wir sind die Familie Mersch. Ausser den Eltern Markus und Katja, gibt es noch 2 Töchter. Nele ist 20 und Clara wird im September 6 Jahre alt. Wir suchen eine nette Au Pair, welche auch mit einer nicht typisch deutschen Familie leben möchte. Deine Aufgabe wäre es unsere Clara während der Woche morgens in den Kindergarten zu bringen und ...
Meet Linda's family from Germany, from Baden-Baden (Town) searching for Au Pair. Linda's family is German and communicates in German at home. The family consists of 2 people and includes 1 children (6 - 10 years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and start the program around Jul 2025 - Oct 2025. They want their Au Pair program to last 12-24 Months.