We are happy to introduce ISABELLE's family based in VINCENNES (Big City), France searching for Au Pair. The family is of French nationality and speaks English & French on a daily basis. ISABELLE's family is of 6 people and has 3 children (6 - 10 years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and start the program at the earliest in Sep 2024 and at the latest in Aug 2025. They want their Au ...
Hello. We want someone that love kids, animals, love nature, have a few good hobbies to entertain herself with. And a proactive
Dear au pair, We are a family of 3; living in a small town in France, close to the Swiss boarder ( at a 7 min drive to Geneva). We have a little girl of 3 years old and would like to find a suitable au pair candidate to help taking care of her, while also experiencing our different cultures ( we are a mixed couple of a French and a Rwandan), ...
Welcome to our profile, we are looking for an au pair to help us in our busy lives one that wants to become part of our lives and live it to its fullest. We are open minded, hard working individuals who need an extra hand managing everything going on. We both run our own business and top that off with our son Marcus (Jun-2023), 3 very big dogs, 3 ...
Hello :) We are Anne and Leo. Leo is of Indian origin and speaks French, English and Hindi. We are looking for an au pair from December because we already have our Aupair until the end of mid-December. We have 3 children: Leela 10 years old, Augustin 6 years old and Aarya 3 years old. We live in the countryside, 10 minutes from the city (small ...
Please check info in "job details"
I m interested to learn a foreign langage among these: spanish, german, russian, italien or improve my english. I m teacher and living in Marseille in France. Your salary is 380e by month for 5h lessons by week. Food and room free.
Nous sommes tous les 3, Lily Noah et moi même , ensemble une semaine sur deux uniquement. Lily et Noah vont à l’école bien sûr, et je cherche une parraine qui va venir enrichir notre quotient. La semaine où je n’ai pas les enfants, je ne suis pas beaucoup présent. Je travaille en Suisse , et gérer le travail et la famille est ...
We are the happy parents of Gabriel, 2 and a half years old. We live in La Garde, 5 minutes from the city of Toulon, one hour from Marseille and Aix en Provence. the father is military, will be absent during the period and that is why we are looking for an aupair to help in the morning and evening, as the mother is working all day. At home, the ...
Bonjour, notre famille (Noa notre bébé, Ezequiel, Joanna et minette (le chat); Nous allons vivre pour 2 mois d'été dans la maison de campagne de mes parents. Il y a 4 appartements, une piscine, mes parents ont 3 chats; la maison est tres grande, le jardin est tres agréable. Mon mari (Ezequiel) est argentin, nous parlons en francais et en ...