Meet Jens's family from Germany, from Wentorf bei Hamburg (Suburb) who would like to hire Au Pair. The family is of German origin and speaks German at home. The family consists of 5 people and contains 3 children (6 - 10 years old, 11 - 14 years old). The family wants to start the Au Pair program - the start date is from Oct 2024 to May 2025. The family needs the Au Pair for around 12-24 ...
Liebes Au-Pair Ich freue mich schon, wenn Du im Sommer zu uns kommst. Wir wohnen sehr ländlich in einem Haus mit einem kleinen Garten. Mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln kannst Du Bonn, Köln und Koblenz in 1-1.5 Stunden erreichen. Falls Du Auto fahren kannst, kannst Du gerne unser Auto nach Absprache gerne benutzen. Wir sind eine ...
Hi, we‘re looking for an trustworthy Au pair for our two little boys. As we‘re living in two places in Germany (close to nature and the middle of the capital of North Rhine Westphalia) there are lots of thing to do and many experiences to make. So it would be nice to have somebody who likes to travel and is active like we
Liebe / r Aupair-Bewerber / in, wir sind eine 5-köpfige, junge Familie, die sich über ein weiteres Familienmitglied, welches sowohl Aufgaben im Alltag übernehmen kann als auch Freude an gemeinsamen Unternehmungen hat, freuen würde. Wir alle stammen aus Solingen, wo auch der größte Teil unserer Familien lebt. Dazu gehören Eltern, ...
At you can get to know Sascha's family coming from Biblis (Countryside), Germany who would like to hire Au Pair. Sascha's family is German and speaks German on a daily basis. The family of Sascha is made up of 5 people and has 3 children (1 - 5 years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and start the program around Apr 2025 - Jun 2025. They want their Au Pair program to last 12-12 ...
Hello dear AuPair, we are a fun family who live in beautiful Kassel. We have a big house there which is located at the foot of the beautiful mountain park. The city center can be reached very easily by S-Bahn and there is a language school as well as museums and leisure
Hello :) My daughter and I live in the beautiful Markgräflerland in the south of Germany. It's not a big city, but there's a lot of culture and you can get to Basel or Freiburg in 30 minutes by train. The adult education center here offers language courses and I'm looking forward to brushing up on my French and am happy to help with learning ...
Willkommen in unserer kleinen Familie mit zwei Kindern. Wir wohnen in Horben (Bohrer) ganz in der Nähe von Freiburg im Breisgau eine der schönsten Städte in Deutschland. Mein Mann und ich sind beide Ärzte. Leider leben die Großeltern nicht in der Nähe. Deshalb brauchen wir zusätzliche Hilfe im Alltag. Wir haben viel Erfahrung mit Au ...
Hello, we are the Bethmann family, Consisting of dad Kilian, mom Janine and the girls Luca and Leo as well as our dog Socke We live in our own home in a small village. It is about 7 km to Peine (a relatively small town) It is about 20 km to the next larger town and about 50 km to Hanover There is public transport, but not particularly
We are happy to introduce Christiane's family based in Willich (Town), Germany looking for Au Pair. Christiane's family is German and communicates in German at home. Christiane's family is of 3 people and includes 1 children (6 - 10 years old). They would like to hire an Au Pair and start the program - the start date is from Mar 2025 to May 2025. They want their Au Pair program to last 10-18 ...