ID del Au Pair 3456100

Nacionalidad alemán/a | Más ⇩

Nombre completo Pia

Ciudad/Provincia Darmstadt/ Hesse

País Alemania

Inicio Mar 2025 - Abr. 2025

Duración de la estancia 10-12 meses

Idiomas que domino Inglés (B1), Polaco (B1), Alemán (Lengua materna)

Última sesión Hace 5 días

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Índice de respuestas

Carta a la familia

Dear future host family,

My name is Pia and I am 21-year-old girl from Germany. I lived with my roommate in Darmstadt , a city near Frankfurt. Since end of May 2024 I was in France as an Au-pair. I have an older brother (24) and a younger sister (8). I am a very open-minded person who enjoys being around people and getting to know other cultures and traditions. After school I worked for over a half year in a French café in Darmstadt and in my free time I like to cook, go out in nature and spend time with my family and friends.
My father works as a geographer and gardener and my mother is a kindergarten teacher.
I love spending time with my little sister and we often cook together or go on outings.
I have also been babysitting for a few years now and I was regularly with two different families.
In 2023, I completed a one-year intership at the Waldorf Kindergarten.
In the Summer of 2024 I was in France as an Au-pair with 3 children in the age of 2, 5 and 8 years.
In the end of 2024 I worked again as an Au-pair I took care of one Child in the age of 7 years. I live near to Paris

I love spending time with the children and I would say that I am good at recognizing and meeting the needs of each child, also because I was very involved in my little sister's growing up and was able to learn a lot.

When I graduated from school in Summer 2022, I knew that I wanted to experience something different before I started my studies or training. I always liked the idea of being part of a family as an au pair and learning about the culture and traditions of the country at the same time. When it comes to children, I am very patient, I enjoy taking care of them and I also think that as an au pair I will get to know myself better through all the new experiences I will have.
I chose French because I have been there many times on vacation with my family and friends, and I liked it every time. I liked the architecture, the food, the art of living, actually all parts of the culture that I was able to experience there. I had studied French in school from 1st to 10th grade, but I have already learning French through my last two Host Family. I go to French lessons in Paris and I notice how I get a good feeling for the language.
I would very much Like to continue my experience in Paris

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my letter.
I would be very happy, to come in contact with you!
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Experiencia con niños

I was at the Waldorf school for 10 years, until I decided to change schools in my final year. I went to a pedagogical lycée specialising in educational science, training processes and psychology.
I passed my vocational baccalauréat and did my practical year in a kindergarten.
After that, I worked until I decided to go to France as an au pair. In the summer, I spent 3 months in France and now I've been in the Paris region for 2 months as an au pair.

I sort of brought up my little sister, we have a big age difference and that's why I always say that I'm half her big sister and half her mum.
I started babysitting when I was 17 and since then I've always looked after children for families I know, both during the week and at weekends.
I did a one-year placement in a kindergarten where the children were aged between 3 and 6.

I'd like to discover French culture and experience life with it, because I'm very enthusiastic about it. For the food, the art, the music, the architecture, the history and the people here.
I'd like to be fluent one day, because I love the French language. I'd like to learn and gain new experiences and I'm looking forward to playing with children because it gives me a lot of pleasure.
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Fotos adicionales

Información personal

No fumaHa realizado un curso de primeros auxilios - SíSabe nadar - SíSabe montar en bicicleta - Sí

Sabe nadar

Sabe montar en bicicleta

Tiene carné/licencia de conducir

Tiene hermanos

Tiene un pasaporte válido

No fuma Sí, fuera de casa

Ha realizado un curso de primeros auxilios

Ocupación actual Au Pair

Nivel de estudios Educación Secundaria

Language Knowledge

Alemán: Lengua nativa, Desde 21 Año
Francés: Básico (A2), Desde 6 Mes
Inglés: Intermedio (B1), Desde 2 Año
Polaco: Intermedio (B1), Desde 21 Año

Deportes  Leisure Sports: Jogging/Yoga


Para el Au Pair la religión es No es importante

¿Sigues alguna dieta especial? Intolerancia a la lactosa

Tiene problemas de salud No

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Información sobre el empleo

Acepta trabajar horas extra por dinero adicional - SíAcepta cuidar a niños con discapacidad - SíAcepta vivir con una familia con mascotas - SíAcepta cuidar a las mascotas - Sí

Países prefereridos Francia

Área de preferencia Ciudad grande

Duración de la estancia 10-12 meses

Fecha de comienzo Mar 2025

Fecha límite de comienzo Abr. 2025

Acepta vivir con una familia con mascotas

Acepta trabajar horas extra por dinero adicional

Acepta cuidar a las mascotas

Edad preferida de los niños o personas al cargo 1-5 años, 6-10 años, 11-14 años

Horas de experiencia con niños en los últimos 24 meses 10-50

Número máximo de niños que podría cuidar 2

Trabajarías con una familia monoparental? Sí, con la madre

Acepta cuidar a niños con discapacidad

Acepta cuidar a personas con discapacidad

Edad de los estudiantes

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