ID del Au Pair 3446424

Nacionalidad filipino/a | Más ⇩

Nombre completo Angelica

Ciudad/Provincia Cebu/

País Filipinas

Inicio Nov. 2025 - Dic. 2025

Duración de la estancia 24-24 meses

Idiomas que domino Inglés (Lengua materna)

Última sesión Hace 29 días

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Carta a la familia

Hi, Good day!

I am angel 24 years old (25 this September) from Philippines but I am currently an aupair here in Netherlands Amsterdam now and I am looking for my second match. I completed my four year degree last July 18 2023 (Bachelor of Arts in Literature major in literary and cultural studies) and I was an ESL teacher at English Fella Corporation Tigbao Talamban Cebu City for 1 year and 1 month. The reason why I'm here it's because I want this opportunity to continue as I am already starting in fulfilling my dreams to have a better future not only for myself but also to my parents.

I already have valuable experience how to taking care babies ages 3 months up 16 years old if possible because I am the one whose taking care of my siblings children and like what I've said I am also currently an aupair here in Amsterdam and I am taking care 3 kids all boys ages 9 and a 7 year old twins, I helped them to do their homeworks, I play with them, prepare their breakfast and lunchbox, sancks , and getting them from school since their mom are the ones who sends them to school, preparing dinner, brushing there teeth and also doing the light chorces at home like tidying their beds after leaving the house to go to school, kids laundry, I don't do deep cleaning here because they have someone who cleans there house every week but I still do light cleaning, so I can assure you that not only your house is in good hands but of course your kids too, but aside from this experience here in Netherlands I also have experienced taking care of kids since I was 14 years old because I helped my older sister and brothers in taking care of their children, so if I will given a chance to be in your family all I can say is that I will not promise but surely do my very best just to fulfill your expectations not only for the kids but also as an au pair in your happy and lovable family.

I'm a cheerful person with a pleasant disposition, a positive thinker, open minder and faithful in god, if I were given a chance to be part of your family, it's my honor and I'll be grateful that you chooses and trust me in leading your kids and again I will not promise anything but I will do my best. I will helped your family and I hope your family will help me too, thankyou.

About Me:✅

-Non smoker
- Drinker (occationally)
-Happy person and easy going?
-Responsible & Reliable?
-Compassionate to kids & Elders??
-Can Speak English Fluently?️
-Can clean & do Laundry?
-Loves Cooking & Baking
-Independent Woman?
-Can ride A Bicycle?‍♀️
-Not picky with foods ?
-love dogs
-willing to learn

My experience:✅
-Babysitting kids since 2014 ?
-Preparing Meals??
-Playing with Kids?
-Going out with kids?‍♀️
-Doing basic chores?
-Sending kids to school???
-Cooking & Cleaning??
-I can drive motorcycle, ride bicycle and a little knowledge in driving cars but not that expert and I don't have drivers license
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Experiencia con niños

I'd like to be an aupair in order to experience different cultures from different countries and at the same time it can help me to boost my confidence especially in communicating people and be able to travel at the same time because I know to myself that this kind of experience will help me to be more reliable in the future.
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Información personal

No fumaHa realizado un curso de primeros auxilios - SíSabe montar en bicicleta - Sí

Sabe nadar

Sabe montar en bicicleta

Tiene carné/licencia de conducir

Tiene hermanos

Tiene un pasaporte válido

No fuma

Ha realizado un curso de primeros auxilios

Ocupación actual Au Pair

Nivel de estudios Universidad

Language Knowledge

Inglés: Lengua nativa

Deportes  Volleyball

Religión Católica

Para el Au Pair la religión es Importante

¿Sigues alguna dieta especial? Ningún tipo de dieta

Tiene problemas de salud No

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Información sobre el empleo

Acepta trabajar horas extra por dinero adicional - SíAcepta cuidar a niños con discapacidad - SíAcepta vivir con una familia con mascotas - SíAcepta cuidar a las mascotas - Sí

Países prefereridos Suecia, Estados Unidos, Dinamarca, Finlandia & Islandia

Área de preferencia Ciudad grande, Afueras, Ciudad pequeña, Pueblo, Campo

Duración de la estancia 24-24 meses

Fecha de comienzo Nov. 2025

Fecha límite de comienzo Dic. 2025

Acepta vivir con una familia con mascotas

Acepta trabajar horas extra por dinero adicional

Acepta cuidar a las mascotas

Edad preferida de los niños o personas al cargo 0-12 meses, 1-5 años, 6-10 años, 11-14 años, 15 + años

Horas de experiencia con niños en los últimos 24 meses 800 +

Número máximo de niños que podría cuidar 4

Trabajarías con una familia monoparental? Sí, con el padre o la madre

Acepta cuidar a niños con discapacidad

Acepta cuidar a personas con discapacidad

Edad de los estudiantes

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Sobre mí

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