ID della Famiglia: 2688959

Bambini: 3 Bambini, 1-5 anni, 6-10 anni

Città: Amsterdam / Metropoli | Piú ⇩

Nome Audrey


Cap Solo per Utenti Premium

Inizio del lavoro: Ago. 2024 - Set. 2024

Durata del soggiorno: 10-12 mesi

Ultimo login: 15 giorni fa

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Lettera di Benvenuto per l'Au Pair


We are a French family of 5 living in Amsterdam, Netherlands. We are looking for a fun, autonomous aupair to join our family beginning of September 2025 to look after our kids that will be aged - almost 10 (girl - Prune) ; 7 (boy - Émile) and 3 yo (girl - Gisèle).
We moved to Amsterdam 2 years ago for a new family adventure.
My husband and myself both work in the tech sector in Amsterdam. We work a lot from home but the house is big and we have our own offices (we don't work from the common rooms of the house)

Our 3 kids go to a bilingual french/english school that is a 3min walk from home. Home is a spacious apartment where you will have your own room and a shared bathroom with the 2 oldest kids. We (parents + baby) have our bedrooms + bathroom on the top floor.
Home is also a 10min bike ride from the city-center of Amsterdam and a short walk away from great parks.

You absolutely need to know how to ride a bike because we move around a lot by bike and by cargo-bike with the kids.

We are looking for someone autonomous, responsible and discrete to
1. help around the house in the mornings (7am - 8.30am 5 days/week): preparing the kids lunchboxes + tidying the kitchen when we leave with them for school
2. fetch the kids at school and stay with them until we are back from work (3.30pm-6.30pm Mo-Fri except Wednesdays 11.15-6.30pm)
3. one evening babysitting per week

This will be our 3rd year with an au-pair as we have been hosting Charlotte, from France en 2023-2024 and Jonna from Germany in 2024-2025. Jonna will be starting uni this summer so we are looking for someone to replace her ;)

Here are some things that would make you a good match
- you are fun and patient with kids (3 kids, including a toddler is a lot to handle!) and not afraid of the noise :)
- you are energetic and sportsy: we love to ride our bikes, go for a run in the park etc. We are looking for someone that also has this sportsy vibe
- you are organized: you can learn to manage lunch boxes for the kids and cooking very basic dinner (we will teach you!)
- you want to make friends, have your own social life outside of the family. We are more than happy to share family moments all together like meals, outings etc, but need to have other moments "alone" for a good balance throughout the year.
- you are fluent in English: our kids have been working on their english at school for the past 2y and we're looking for someone to speak English to them on a daily basis. I (Audrey) was raised in the US and english is my 1st language but french is the language of our household so I mostly speak french to the kids.

If you think you match, don't hesitate to get in touch !
Audrey and Thomas
Piú ⇩

Descrizione del Lavoro

1. help around the house in the mornings (7am - 8.30am 5 days/week): preparing the kids lunchboxes + 30min of tidying the kitchen when we leave with them for school at 8am
2. fetch the kids at school and play/homework/bath time with them until we are back from work (3.30pm-6.30pm Mo-Fri except Wednesdays 11.15-6.30pm)
3. one evening babysitting per week, usually either on Friday or on Saturday

Also some light housework such as : helping the kids tidy their room, emptying the dish washer in the mornings, washing & folding kids' laundry
Piú ⇩

Foto aggiuntive

Informazioni sulla Famiglia

Ha animali domestici? No

La Famiglia abita in Metropoli

Età dei genitori 30-45

Sei un genitore single? No, la nostra famiglia è composta da entrambi i genitori

Nazionalità della Famiglia Francese

Lingue parlate in Famiglia Inglese, Francese

Religione Nessuna

Importanza della religione Non importante

Occupazione Direttore/direttrice di azienda / Amministratore/amministratrice delegato/a

Persone che vivono in casa 5

Età e genere dei bambini/persone di cui ci si deve occupare 9 anno Femmina
6 anno Maschio
2 anno Femmina

Piú ⇩

Requisiti richiesti

Cerca un candidato in grado di andare in bicicletta - Si

Ore di lavoro alla settimana 25 - 30

Paghetta del/della Au Pair (al mese) 340 EUR

Genere dell'Au Pair Femmina

Durata del soggiorno 10-12 mesi

Prima data di inizio utile Ago. 2024

Ultima data di inizio Set. 2024

Cerco Au Pair

Età delle persone/bambini da accudire 1-5 anni, 6-10 anni

Bambini/persone che devono essere accuditi 3

Livello minimo di esperienza richiesto 50-100

Abbiamo bisogno di un Tutor che insegni

Quanti anni hanno gli studenti a cui insegnerà il Tutor?

Abbiamo bisogno di assistenza e supporto in

Nazionalità preferita Americana, Australiana, Austriaca, Belga, Britannica, Canadese, Danese, Olandese, Inglese, Finlandese, Francese, Francese Guianese, Francese Polinesiana, Georgiana, Tedesca, Greca, Israeliana, Italiana, Norvegese, Rumena, Scozzese, Serba, Slovena, Spagnola, Svedese, Svizzera, Ucraina, Yugoslava

Conoscenza della lingua richiesta
 Inglese, Minimum Avanzato (C1)

Livello di educazione richiesto Liceo

Contribuirà alle spese di viaggio yes

Età richiesta 20-25

Accetta fumatori No

Deve badare a persone affette da disabilità No

Deve accudire animali No

Cerca un candidato in grado di nuotare No

Cerca un candidato in grado di andare in bicicletta Si

Il candidato può frequentare un corso di lingua Si

Corso di primo soccorso richiesto No

Patente di guida richiesta No

Piú ⇩

Descrizione famiglia

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Alloggio dell'AuPair

Private bedroom with bed, desk, chair et very large closet
Shared bathroom + shower + WC with our two oldest kids