Dear host family, I am already very excited about getting to know you. But, first of all, I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Martina. I am 22 years old and I am from Slovakia. Currently living with my aunty in France. Last year finished studies at a ...
Hello, My name is Sofia, I am 20 years old, and I want to become an au pair in Dubai. Having spent two months in Dubai for an internship, I am well acquainted with the city and its unique aspects. I recently graduated with a degree in international trade, and I have decided to ...
Dear Host Family, I am so excited to have the opportunity to introduce myself and to express my gratitude for welcoming me into your home as an au pair. My name is Kamva, and I am from South Africa. I have always been passionate about learning new cultures and languages, and ...
Hi to my potential future host family ! My name is Lou, I'm 20 years and I'm French and I study at university on my first year where I learn English with the hope to become a teacher. I would like to be able to teach and share my knowledge with children and make them want to ...
Chère famille d'accueil, Je m'appelle Auriane, j'ai 18 ans et je suis originaire de France. Je vous écris avec enthousiasme pour vous proposer ma candidature en tant que fille au pair au sein de votre famille. Depuis toujours, j'ai un intérêt profond pour le travail ...
Hello dear Family, my name is Samanta i'm 30 years old and i live in France( in Alsace in a little city 1 hour away from Strasbourg). I live with my mum who is born in Calabria so i was raised in a very traditional italian houshold, indeed everything is my house is Italian from ...
Chère famille d'accueil, Je m'appelle Éva, j'ai 17 ans et je suis une fille passionnée de basket, de lecture, et de sport en général. Je suis actuellement en conduite accompagnée et j'ai pour ambition de devenir kinésithérapeute. J'ai deux adorables chats qui font ...
Siamo felici di presentare Fatima Zahra! Risiede in Francia e desidera diventare Tata & Assistente agli anziani. L'Au Pair ha completato Liceo e attualmente lavore come Assistente Sanitario. L'Au Pair ha la patente di guida e sa guidare bene.
Madame, Monsieur, L'objet de mon courrier est de vous aider à cerner ma personnalité afin de savoir si nous pourrions éventuellement être compatibles et adaptés réciproquement à une vie active et harmonieuse durant quelque temps. Il s'agit bien entendu de bien ...
Ciao, mi chiamo Kim, ho 17 anni (ne compirò 18 a novembre). Mi piace molto prendermi cura dei bambini. Faccio anche da babysitter occasionalmente. Ho anche completato il mio tirocinio del terzo anno in una scuola materna. Ho imparato lo spagnolo alle scuole superiori, ma ...
Louna, 23 Louna, 23 anni, Francese in Francia, cerca lavoro come Au Pair in USA, Irlanda, Regno Unito
Pauline, 25 Pauline, 25 anni, Francese in Francia, cerca lavoro come Au Pair in Canada, Corea del Sud, Giappone, Malaysia, Thailandia
Astrid, 29 Astrid, 29 anni, Francese in Francia, cerca lavoro come Au Pair in Germania, Francia, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Regno Unito