Numer Rodziny: 1765579

Dzieci: 3 Dzieci, 1-5 lat, 6-10 lat

Miejscowość: Algeciras / Miasto | Więcej »

Imię Livia

Wojewodztwo Cádiz

Kod pocztowy Tylko dla Użytkowników Premium

Początek pracy: maj 2024 - czerwiec 2024

Potrzebuje Au Pair na: 2-3 Miesiące

Ostatnie logowanie: 5 godziny temu

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i skontaktuj się z wszystkimi rodzinami bezpłatnie. Jeśli masz już konto, zaloguj się, aby wysłać wiadomości do ulubionych rodzin.
Profil dodany do 0 ulubionych w ciągu ostatnich 3 tygodni
Profil odwiedzony przez 6 osoby poszukujące pracy w ciągu ostatnich 3 tygodni
Wskaźnik odpowiedzi

List do Au Pair

Dear Au pair,
We are a family of 5, we have three lovely kids; Fabiola (5 years) and Diego (2 years) and Elvia (9 months at this moment)

We have always wanted to count with an au pair in our family because we find a lot of benefits for both, the host family and the au pair, along the experience (my husband and myself stayed as au pairs in England some years ago :)). Finally we have the perfect situation to host you here and we are 100% sure that you are going to enjoy of being part of our little family and visiting all the beautiful places we have here in Andalucia!

We are looking for an au pair to help us with the kids (we both are full time employees) and light house-works, while at the same time will teach our kids another language, other culture and different points of view to widen their minds and adding more values to them. We would like to find someone full of energy, patient, lovely and willing to play, understand and cover the kids needs. Our education is based on love so for us is very important that you really love kids!

We are very social, so we like outgoing, meeting friends and family, we love travelling and sports but we also really enjoy of a good movie, some table games and a calm day at home

We are looking for someone who would like to integrate in our family and want to experience how is the life in the south of Spain, in a coast city, and at the same time bring to our home a sharing cultural experience

If what you are reading match with your expectation, please do not hesitate to contacting me for more info
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Opis pracy

With this experience, we are looking for some help with the kids and at the same time we are looking for a cultural exchange to open our kids mind and to allow our child to learn in a natural way other language.

In terms of relationship, we would like to have someone at home who will be looking for a new experience and want to live enjoy and be integrated in the Spanish culture. We also want to give to this person independency to explore the life in Spain and have his/her own experiences.

We will provide a clear schedule, although we try to be as flexible as we can; we believe that if you are willing to give, you also will receive It back, so for us is very important that we all are happy with the daily going at home.

In terms of languages we expect you to speak in English with the kids. My husband and I speak a decent English and we are natives in Spanish, so you can decide which of the two languages you want to use with us.
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Informacje o rodzinie

Rodzina ma zwierzęta domowe Nie

Rodzina mieszka w Miasto

Grupa wiekowa rodziny 30-45

Czy jesteś samotnym rodzicem? Nie, nasza rodzina ma dwóch rodziców

Narodowość Hiszpańska

Języki używane w domu hiszpański

Wyznanie religijne Katolicyzm

Czy religia jest ważna dla Twojej Rodziny? nieistotna

Zawód inzynier / menedzer

Ile osób mieszka w domu? 5

Wiek i płeć dzieci / osób 6 lat kobieta
3 lat mężczyzna
1 lat kobieta

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Wymagana umiejętność pływania - Tak

Godziny pracy (na tydzień) 25 - 30

Kieszonkowe Au Pair, Babcia Au Pair (na miesiąc) 330 EUR

Preferowana płeć Brak preferencji

Czas trwania 2-3 Miesiące

Najwcześniejsza data rozpoczęcia maj 2024

Najpóźniejsza data rozpoczęcia czerwiec 2024

Szukamy Au Pair i Babcia Au Pair

Wiek osób / dzieci 1-5 lat, 6-10 lat

Liczba dzieci / osób, którymi należy się opiekować 3

Minimalne wymagane doświadczenie w opiece nad dziećmi Brak preferencji

Potrzebujemy korepetytora, który mógłby uczyć

W jakim wieku są uczniowie, których powinien uczyć korepetytor?

Potrzebujemy pomocy i wsparcia w

Preferowane narodowości niemiecka, amerykańska, brytyjska, kanadyjska, duńska, szkocka, walijska, holenderska, angielska, irlandzka, islandzka, maltańska, norweska, singapurska, szwedzka

Umiejętności językowe
 angielski, Minimum zaawansowany (C1)
- ORAZ -
 hiszpański, Minimum podstawowy (A2)

Poziom wykształcenia Brak konkretnego wyboru

Czy chcesz pokryć całość/część kosztów podróży? -

Wymagany wiek 19-75

Palenie jest dozwolone Tak, ale nie w domu

Wymagana opieka nad dziećmi / osobami niepełnosprawnymi Nie

Wymagana opieka nad zwierzętami domowymi Nie

Wymagana umiejętność pływania Tak

Wymagana umiejętność jazdy na rowerze Nie

Kandydatka może uczęszczać na kurs językowy Tak

Wymagany kurs pierwszej pomocy Nie

Wymagane posiadanie prawa jazdy Nie

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Opis rodziny

Zaloguj się! A jeśli nie masz jeszcze konta
i skontaktuj się z wszystkimi rodzinami bezpłatnie. Jeśli masz już konto, log in, aby wysłać wiadomości do ulubionych rodzin.

Opis zakwaterowania

Algeciras is a medium size city, around 120k population. It is located in the southest part of Spain, therefore Marocco is just in front of us and also Gibraltar is very very close, we can see the rock from our window!
The city is pretty much an industrial city but the surroundings of the city are greats. The beaches and the nature offer many possibilities to practice sports and enjoy the good weather that we have.

Algeciras is also well communicated with Sevilla and Málaga, two big cities where you can find everything and Tarifa, one of the most tourist places in Andalucía due to its amazing beaches and the well known wind sports!

We moved to a new place a couple of years back which gave us extra-space, so this new house finally allowed us to host an au-pair; during these two years we have had two au pairs joining our family. Our house is a three floor house in a private residential area with a common pool. The residential is beachfront in one of the two beaches that you can find in Algeciras.

The room for the au pair is in the basement floor, it has natural light and on this floor there is also a bathroom which will be mainly used for the au pair because the rest of the rooms are distributed in the other two floors. You can enter directly to the room from an independent door which also will help to have some independency.

The room for the au pair is in the basement floor, it has natural light and on this floor, there is also a bathroom which will be mainly used for the au pair because the rest of the rooms are distributed in the other two floors. In the room you will have wifi and TV. You can enter directly to the room from an independent door which also will help to have some in-dependency.

Algeciras is a medium size city, around 150k population. It is located in the southest part of Spain, therefore Marocco is just in front of us and also Gibraltar is very very close, we can see the rock from our window!
The city is pretty much an industrial city but the surroundings of the city are greats. The beaches and the nature offer many possibilities to practice sports and enjoy the good weather that we have.

We live in Algeciras, which is well communicated with Sevilla, Cadiz, Costa del Sol and Málaga, where you can find everything and also Tarifa, one of the most tourist places in Andalucía due to its amazing beaches and the well known wind sports!
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Au Pair w Hiszpanii: informacje o programie

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Au Pair w Hiszpanii: wymagania wizowe dla uczestniczek

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Jakie są wymagania do zostania Au pair w Hiszpanii?

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