Mieszkamy w New Rochelle, NY, na przedmieściach 30 minut od Manhattanu. Szukamy au pair, która mogłaby pomóc z naszym 1-letnim dzieckiem w ciągu dnia pracy (8-5) oraz pomóc z naszymi 2 innymi chłopcami (4 lata i 3 lata) poza ich regularnymi godzinami szkoły/żłobka (około 2 godzin dziennie). Ponieważ oboje pracowaliśmy i studiowaliśmy ...
Cześć, urodziłem się w Europie, mieszkam na południu Florydy. Jestem rozwiedziony od 7 lat i dzielę się opieką nad moimi 2
Dear prospective nanny or Au Pair We, Mr and Mrs Harris want to invite you to be our Au Pair in (San Antonio, Texas. Your stay would begin on the 4 March 2025 or the soonest date avaliable. During your time with us, we expect you to work a maximum of 40-45 hours a week.
Welcome to our family! We are so excited to have you here and are looking forward to the wonderful journey ahead. We truly believe that you will play a big role in our child’s life, and we feel very lucky to have found someone as caring and experienced as you. We hope that during your time with us, you will feel comfortable and at home. We ...
Cześć! Szukam bezpośredniej opieki dla kobiety po 50-tce. Potrzebna pomoc w poruszaniu się, przenoszeniu na wózku inwalidzkim, kąpieli i opiece osobistej. Preferencje dla opiekuna, który potrafi wykonywać lekkie prace domowe i czuje się komfortowo z
We are thrilled to welcome you into our family and are excited to start this new chapter with you! We hope you will find your stay here comfortable and fulfilling as you help us care for our children and become an integral part of our daily lives. About Our Family We are a loving and busy family with two young boys, Isaiah and Isaac. Our home ...
Hello, we are a family of 3 looking for someone to help teach and raise our daughter. We live in the Washington DC area in a village about an hour from the capital. We are 15 minutes from major shopping and grocery stores. we live in a park like forest setting with small stream on the property. In addition there are many parks and hiking trails ...
Hello, We are the Eriksen/Brim-DeForest family located in Northport Maine. We live in a beautiful historic home on 200 acres of land. In this area there is a lot nature, trees, lakes, rivers and streams. The air quality here I wonderful. Our home is a five minute walk to the Ocean. We have great internet, a gym in the house, access to cars and ...
Cześć! Chętnie się z Tobą skontaktuję. To bardzo łatwa praca au pair. Powodem, dla którego ją zatrudniłam, jest chęć pomocy w nauce włoskiego poprzez codzienne luźne
I am 72 years old, grandpa and love sport and nature,, my son and my daughter-in-law and i have a grandkid three years old. We are looking for someone to teach Farsi and train her for a sport for future professional basketball volleyball and help her on her homework,, and sport achievement. She's very active and energetic right now. She's speaking ...