Regency Nannies Inc. - Au Pair Vermittlung, Montreal Kanada

Regency Nannies have been placing nannies with Canadian families since 2004. Directed by an attorney is the perfect agency to help a caregiver to work with a Canadian family. We are looking more specifically for nannies/caregivers who hold a driver license. We are as well interested in caregivers fluent in French. Canada has one of the most generous Aupairs programs in the world since the caregiver/aupair/nanny could ask for permanent residency at the end of 24 months of the work contract. Since a working permit is necessary to work as an Aupair in Canada, fees are important. However, our families will take care of the majority of the fees as the immigration program for caregivers prescribe. We provide the nanny with all the immigration support they need to navigate the immigration system in Canada. Thanks for the opportunity of meeting you. Yours truly. Ida

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4770 kent avenue, suite 305
H3W 1H2, Kanada