ID da Família: 2897227

Crianças: 2 Crianças, 1 - 5 anos, 6 - 10 anos

Cidade: Sehnde / Subúrbio | Mais ⇩

Início do trabalho: Ago. 2024 - Out. 2024

Duração da estadia: 6-12 meses

Última ação: 11 dias atrás

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Perfil Visitado por 24 candidatos nas últimas 3 semanas
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Carta de boas-vindas à Au Pair

Hello dear au pair!
How nice that you read our letter!. We would like to introduce ourselves. We are the H. family from the Hanover region. We live in a friendly village not far from Hanover, you can easily reach Hanover city center in about 40 minutes by S-Bahn and there are many language schools there. We are warm, active and the two children Greetje and Tjark look forward to seeing you if you also like to play, maybe make music or go to the playground with us. We live in a large new house and have an apartment with a toilet especially for you. When you live with us, you automatically get an insight into the historical architecture of the "half-timbered house", which is mainly found here in Germany. We live Christian values ​​in a relaxed, cheerful and tolerant manner and are committed to this village. Our village is open-minded, everyone is welcome here. Especially in times when some people verbalize xenophobia, we experience a neighborhood here that is very open-minded and inclusive. For example, you could do sports in our club and sing in a choir. Many traditional festivals are celebrated here. We are very musical. We have a piano, a saxophone, a guitar here and maybe you would like to play music with us? We parents enjoy working and need you to support our colorful everyday life with our open-minded and helpful children. Will you come to live with us?
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Descrição de trabalho

We would like support in the morning (getting the kids dressed, having breakfast, taking Thark to kindergarten directly in the village). The children eat lunch at kindergarten and school and don't come home until around 3:30 p.m., so you have plenty of time during the day to relax, learn or do hobbies and activities. You sometimes have to pick Tjark up from kindergarten. Once a week we need to travel to the choir in a nearby small town. There should be some play in the afternoon. In the evening we need your help preparing dinner and cleaning up a bit. You should be able to ride a bike safely. We expect reliability and a warm and consistent approach to the children. Cleanliness and tidiness are important to us so that we can all live together happily here. A household helper comes once a week to clean everything. If you would like to get to know us, we would be happy to send you a kind of weekly plan for a more detailed overview of your tasks.
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Informação da família

Mascotes: Não

A Família mora em: Subúrbio

Idade dos pais: 30-45

Você é pai/mãe solteira? Não, nossa família inclui dois pais

Nacionalidade: Alemã

Línguas faladas em casa: Alemão

Religião: Cristão

Importância da religião Importante

Ocupação: Médico/ a / Engenheiro/a

Pessoas morando na casa: 4

Idade e gênero das crianças/pessoas a serem cuidadas 7 ano Mulher
4 ano Homem

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Requisitos do trabalho

Saber nadar é necessário - SimSaber andar de bicicleta é necessário - Sim

Horas de trabalho (por semana): 25 - 30

Mesada da/do Au Pair (por mês) 300 EUR

Preferência de gênero: Feminino

Duração da estadia 6-12 meses

Data de início mais próxima: Ago. 2024

Última data de início Out. 2024

Procurando por: Au Pair

Idade das crianças/pessoas 1 - 5 anos, 6 - 10 anos

Crianças/pessoas a serem cuidadas 2

Tempo mínimo de experiência com cuidado infantil: Nenhuma preferência

Precisamos de um tutor que possa ensinar

Quantos anos têm os alunos que o Tutor deve ensinar?

Precisamos de assistência e apoio em

Preferência de nacionalidade: Albanes, Andorrana, Belga, Bósnio, Britânica, Búlgara, Alemã, Dinamarquesa, Estoniana, Fiinlandesa, Francesa, Georgiana, Grega, Irlandesa, Icelandesa, Italiana, Croata, Letã, Liechtensteiniana, Lituana, Luxemburguesa, Maltesa, Macedónia, Moldava, Holandesa, Norueguesa, Polonesa, Portuguesa, Romena, Russa, Escocesa, Sueca, Suíça, Sérvia, Slovak, Eslovena, Espanhola, Checa, Turca, Ucraniana, Húngara, Venezuelana, Bielorrussa, Cipriota, Austríaca

Competências linguísticas requeridas: Fraco

Nível educacional requerido: Ensino Fundamental I

Disposto a contribuir para os custos de viagem nein

Idade requerida: 18-24

Aceita fumantes Não

O candadato terá de cuidar de crianças/pessoas com necessidades especiais? Não

Cuidar dos animais de mascotes é necessário Não

Saber nadar é necessário Sim

Saber andar de bicicleta é necessário Sim

A Au Pair poderá frequentar cursos de línguas Sim

Experiência em primeiros socorros é requerida Não

Carta de motorista é requerida Não

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Descrição da família

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Acomodação de Aupair

You get your own small apartment in our house with your own small bathroom with shower. Everything is new and there is all the furniture you need. The apartment is accessible from inside and outside and is furnished very tastefully and to a high quality. There is underfloor heating and continuous room ventilation, so the living environment is very pleasant. Of course we have high speed WiFi. Maybe you've seen that our house is a little special because it's a new half-timbered house. When you live with us, you automatically get an insight into the historical architecture of the "half-timbered house", which is mainly found here in Germany. It is important to us that you treat our home with care and appreciation. You will feel very comfortable and protected here!
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