ID 3025563

Nacionalidade Filipina | Mais ⇩

Nome completo Debbie

Cidade/Região Philippines/

País Filipinas

Começar Maio 2024 - Ago. 2024

Duração da estadia 12-12 meses

Bom conhecimento de Inglês (C1), Filipino (Língua materna)

Última ação 20 dias atrás

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Perfil adicionado a 0 favoritos nas últimas 3 semanas
Visto por 1 Famílias nas 3 últimas semanas
Taxa de Resposta - Muito ativo

Carta para a família

Dear Host Family,

My name is Debbie, and I'm a 24-year-old from the Philippines. I am thrilled to express my sincere interest in the au pair cultural exchange program in the Netherlands. My passion for childcare fuels my desire to positively impact children's lives. Immersing myself in Dutch culture offers a unique opportunity to broaden my horizons and share experiences. I am eager to embrace new challenges and enhance my interpersonal skills. With previous childcare experience and proficiency in household tasks, I am well-equipped to contribute to a host family's daily life. I am committed to making the most of this enriching experience and eagerly anticipate the possibility of becoming an au pair in the Netherlands.

I have experience in crafting, drawing, singing, dancing, organizing playdates, and creating a fun and nurturing environment for children. I can also handle practical tasks such as making breakfast, packing school lunches, managing the school run, and performing light household chores like tidying up rooms, the living room, kitchen, and playroom, and a bit of vacuuming.

What sets me apart as an Au Pair candidate is my educational background and commitment to child development. I hold a degree in Secondary Education and am a licensed teacher in my home country. This academic foundation equips me with the skills necessary to engage children in enriching activities and facilitate their learning and growth.

Furthermore, my experience as an active youth volunteer has honed my ability to connect with children from diverse backgrounds and nurture their talents and interests. Whether it's through storytelling, singing, or play, I strive to create meaningful experiences that foster creativity, curiosity, and resilience in young minds.

In addition to my childcare abilities, I am proficient in English and can ride a bike, which will enable me to fully participate in your family's daily activities and outings. My passport is valid, and I am ready to embark on this exciting journey of cultural exchange and mutual learning.

I am confident that I would be the perfect fit for your family. My experience in home-based tutorials that combine fun and learning through storytelling, singing, and play, has helped me build a responsible, reliable, and trustworthy character.

I am excited to interview with you at your earliest convenience, and I am available to accommodate your schedule. I look forward to sharing my cultural background with you and immersing myself in yours.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I can't wait to hear from you and have the chance to meet you.

Best regards,
Mais ⇩

Experiência com crianças

Enthusiastic and nurturing au pair with a passion for childcare and cultural exchange. Fluent in English , I bring a multicultural perspective to childcare. Energetic, creative, and reliable, I enjoy organizing educational activities and fostering positive relationships with both children and parents. As an au pair, I am committed to making a meaningful impact on the lives of the children I care for.
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Informação pessoal

Não fumanteFrequentou um treinamento de primeiros socorros - SimSabe nadar bem - SimSabe andar de bicicleta - Sim

Sabe nadar bem

Sabe andar de bicicleta

Tem carteira de motorista

Você tem irmãos/irmãs?

Tem um passaporte válido

Não fumante

Frequentou um treinamento de primeiros socorros

Profissão Professor/a

Grau de instrução Universidade

Conhecimento de línguas

Filipino: Língua Nativa
Inglês: Avançado (C1)

Esportes  Badminton, Volleyball

Religião Católico

Para a Au Pair a religião é Importante

Considerações especiais sobre a dieta Nenhuma dieta especial

Tem problemas de saúde Nothing at all

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Informações de trabalho

Pode trabalhar extra para dinheiro extra - NãoCuidaria de crianças com deficiências? - SimAceita família com mascotes - SimAceita cuidar de mascotes - Sim

Países preferidos Dinamarca, Islândia, Países Baixos, Espanha & Suécia

Área de preferência Grande cidade, Subúrbio, Cidade, Aldeia, Campo

Duração da estadia 12-12 meses

Primeira data de início Maio 2024

Última data de início Ago. 2024

Aceita família com mascotes

Pode trabalhar extra para dinheiro extra

Aceita cuidar de mascotes

Quero cuidar de crianças de idade: 1 - 5 anos, 6 - 10 anos, 11 - 14 anos, 15 anos acima

Horas de experiência no cuidado de crianças nos últimos 24 meses 100-200

Gostaria de cuidar desse número de crianças / pessoas 3

Trabalharia para um pai solteiro? Sim, com ambos

Cuidaria de crianças com deficiências?

Cuidaria de pessoas com deficiências?

Faixa etária dos estudantes preferida

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Sobre mim

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