(I'm also a native Polish speaker! It only let me chose one, but I'm open to helping with both German and Polish.) goals: becoming fluent in more complex settings and topics, including expanding my vocabulary to communicate more easily.
Я хочу выучить английский для того, чтобы путешествовать и иметь возможность знакомиться и общаться с людьми из других стран, смотреть...
My goal in learning German is to be a fluent speaker, writer and read it as well as possible also to not only have the knowledge of the language but to have some taste of how it started and the culture and values it holds.
Pour communiquer
Tornar me fluente e capaz dee comunicar.
Morar na França
Améliorer mon niveau de français à l'oral et à l'écrit pour atteindre plus d'aisance dans la communication quotidienne. Découvrir la culture française et m'intégrer pleinement dans la vie de famille. Développer mes compétences en garde...
Aprender inglés de la mejor manera posible, estoy actulamente en el nivel A2 para el B1.1A.
become fluent and make someone else fluent too
I'd love to become fluent