ID de l'aupair 3137364

Nationalité Italien | Plus ⇩

Nom et Prénom Giulia

Ville/Région Bolzano/ Trentin-Haut-Adige

Pays Italie

Date de début Jui. 2024 - Oct. 2024

Combien de mois elle souhaite rester? 12-13 mois

Bonnes connaissances linguistiques en Anglais (B2), Allemand (B2), Italien (Langue maternelle)

Dèrnière connexion Il y a 1 jours

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Profile added to 0 Favorites in the last 3 weeks
Profil visité de 10 familles d'accueil dans les 3 dernières semaines
Taux de réponse - Inapplicable

Lettre pour la famille d'accueil

Dear Family, 

Hi, I'm Giulia from Italy. I am looking for a host family to stay with, and I would love to be your next au pair. I am proud of my Italian roots, but as I grew up in a multilingual environment, I'm really open-minded to new cultures. As I said before, I have multilingual backgrounds, as South Tyrol was once Austrian but with the First World War it became part of Italy. I'm really thankful that I have been able to grow up bilingual, as knowing two languages has opened me up many doors, and I'm sure that having the opportunity to consolidate also my English will help me in the future. Thus, a dream of mine has always been to spend a year in the USA, which for now I have only known through television or sitcoms from my childhood like ICarly or Victorious, that made me want to live an American life. And time flies... here I am ten years later, writing my application form, hoping to be able to make my dream come true. As I grew older the reasons for being an au pair have slightly changed though and considering all my passions and priorities in life, the idea of becoming an au pair would be the perfect choice also for my future job as a teacher. 
I'm quite an outgoing person, I always enjoy having people around me and spend time in nature. Another thing I'm passionate about is cooking, and I'd also like to cook some Italian dishes for my host family. Living with a host family would not only provide me with a unique opportunity to experience your country's customs and traditions, but it would also allow me to create unique memories and to become a part of your daily lives.
Caring for children has always been a source of happiness for me. Their boundless energy, curiosity, and innocence never fail to inspire me. As a child my dream job was to become a teacher and over the years it didn’t change. I started by babysitting some of my relative’s children, then I had the opportunity to take part in a peer tutoring program, where you have to spend some afternoons a week at an elementary school and help the children with their homework or entertain them with some crafts or group game. I also looked after some very young kids and after all these experiences, I can’t think of a more beautiful job for my future. The time spent caring for children helped me to develop patience and adaptability, allowing me to handle challenging situations always positively. 
My family has always been my greatest support, teaching me the values of love, respect, and kindness. Furthermore, Nelson Mandela once said that “History will judge us by the difference we make in the everyday lives of children”, therefore I would love to work with children to contribute by making their childhood full of new experiences, memories and by sharing the values my family once taught me. 

Thank you for your interest in my application. I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

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Expériences en garde d'enfants

I think the au pair experience is perfect for me to broaden my mind to the world to improve my skills, I would be happy to take care of the host children and I would like to learn about different educational methods that I think will be useful for what will be my future job as a teacher, I would also like to improve my English and become more independent and confident to better face the future. I hope to enter the host family not only as an au pair, but as an integral part of the family as a friend and a point of reference, I would like to pass on to the children some typical Italian recipes and pass on my creativity by also doing some creative holiday-themed activities with them, and I would be happy to maintain the relationship with them even after the experience is over.
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Renseignements personnels

Non-fumeurSait nager - OuiSait faire du vélo - OuiA un permis de conduire - Oui, avec experiences

Sait nager

Sait faire du vélo

A un permis de conduire Oui, avec experiences

A des frères et sœurs

A un passeport valide


A suivi un cours de premiers secours

Profession étudiant(e)

Diplômes Classes secondaires

compétences linguistiques

Italien: Langue maternelle, Depuis 18 Année
Anglais: Niveau avancé (B2), Depuis 12 Année
Allemand: Niveau avancé (B2), Depuis 12 Année

Sports  Ski, Horseback riding, running, tennis, climbing

Sa religion Chrétien

La religion est pour l'Au Pair Important

Régime alimentaire spécial Aucun régime

A des problèmes de santé et/ou des allergies No

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Expériences professionnelles

L'Au Pair peut accepter d'autres tâches pour gagner plus d'argent - NonL'Au Pair peut s'occuper des enfants handicapés - OuiL'Au Pair est prêt à vivre avec des animaux - OuiL'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des animaux - Oui

Pays dans lesquels j'aimerais travailler États-Unis

Région préférée Grande ville, Banlieue, Ville, Village, Campagne

Combien de mois elle souhaite rester? 12-13 mois

Date de début (au plus tôt) Jui. 2024

Date de début (au plus tard) Oct. 2024

L'Au Pair est prêt à vivre avec des animaux

L'Au Pair peut accepter d'autres tâches pour gagner plus d'argent

L'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des animaux

L'Au Pair garde des enfants dans la tranche d'âge Bébé, 1-5 ans, 6-10 ans

Expériences de garde d'enfants dans les dernier 24 mois 100 - 200

Combien d'enfants l'Au Pair gardera? 5

Est-tu prêt à travailler pour un parent célibataire? Non

L'Au Pair peut s'occuper des enfants handicapés

L'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des personnes handicapées

Groupe d'âge préféré des étudiants

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Sur moi

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