ID de l'aupair 1431668

Nationalité Allemand | Plus ⇩

Nom et Prénom Janina

Ville/Région Herford/ Nordrhein-Westfalen

Pays Allemagne

Date de début Mai 2024 - Jui. 2024

Combien de mois elle souhaite rester? 1-3 mois

Bonnes connaissances linguistiques en -

Dèrnière connexion Il y a 22 jours

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Profile added to 0 Favorites in the last 3 weeks
Profil visité de 0 familles d'accueil dans les 3 dernières semaines

Lettre pour la famille d'accueil

Hello future host family !:)
I want to be Your Au-Pair! I´ve known for many years that I wanted to go to the USA and be an Au-Pair. Why? Because I really love working with children, to take care of them makes me a lot of fun & also I´m totally fascinated by your country. I've never been to the USA before but it's always been a big dream of me to be there. Another reason is, of course, that I want to improve my English, so that in the future not so many mistakes in letters happen and I can write completely without Google translator xD
In my family, we´ve been travelling a lot and I´ve always been inspired by that. I think it´s time for me to go on my own/ new adventures and what can possibly better than combining taking care of children and living abroad for one Year?
It is important to me not only to play the caretaker for the child, but simply to become a great guest sister, who the children also wish to be but also always a good role model, which is why I would so much like to be accepted by you as a family member.The idea of being able to help shape the positive development of children is really appealing to me and since I grew up with a little sister myself, I know how great it is. I believe that family is one of the most important things in our lives, so how great wouldn´t be to have two families? One in Germany & one in the USA.I come of a lovely family of five. I like to spend time with my family. Then we make trips together, trying to get new experience, make bike tours, go inline skating, do walks/picnics/water skiing, riding on a lake etc. but also just cook together at home, make a game night or a movie night.
I really like babysitting and was so lucky that my neighbors have a younger son, which I have also often looked after, then we have often played in the garden, for example: trampoline jumped, croquet (with my help, of course), throwing rings and building booths. Varied to the whole ": “running"; we have also done a little quieter things, for example: painting, handicrafts, reading stories or just cuddling. With my other childrens I regularly watch the week, I was already together in the outdoor pool, which was a lot of fun for both. As soon as I can somehow make children happy, my heart just opens up. In winter I baked cookies with them, which they could cut out themselves and then forgave. It's so fascinating how much creativity there is in such small people. Recently, I was at the zoo with a friend and her little sister, which she totally enjoyed.
In 2015, I completed a responsibility project in primary school, where I took care of the children of the open all-day school for 3 months straight after school. My little sister also went to this elementary school and she told me yesterday that she was totally popular at the time because I was her sister, which was really nice to hear.I could continue writing for hours, but I think it's going too much. But I have many more employment ideas for children that I would like to share.
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Renseignements personnels

Non-fumeurA suivi un cours de premiers secours - OuiSait nager - OuiSait faire du vélo - OuiA un permis de conduire - Oui, avec experiences

Sait nager

Sait faire du vélo

A un permis de conduire Oui, avec experiences

A des frères et sœurs

A un passeport valide


A suivi un cours de premiers secours

Profession élève

Diplômes Ecole supérieure

compétences linguistiques

Anglais: Niveau intermédiaire (A2), Depuis 8 Année

Sports  Fitness

Sa religion Catholique

La religion est pour l'Au Pair Pas important

Régime alimentaire spécial Végétarien

A des problèmes de santé et/ou des allergies Non

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Expériences professionnelles

L'Au Pair peut accepter d'autres tâches pour gagner plus d'argent - OuiL'Au Pair est prêt à vivre avec des animaux - OuiL'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des animaux - Oui

Pays dans lesquels j'aimerais travailler République dominicaine, Fidji, Grèce, Maldives & États-Unis

Région préférée Grande ville, Banlieue, Ville

Combien de mois elle souhaite rester? 1-3 mois

Date de début (au plus tôt) Mai 2024

Date de début (au plus tard) Jui. 2024

L'Au Pair est prêt à vivre avec des animaux

L'Au Pair peut accepter d'autres tâches pour gagner plus d'argent

L'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des animaux

L'Au Pair garde des enfants dans la tranche d'âge 1-5 ans, 6-10 ans, 11-14 ans, 15 ans et +

Expériences de garde d'enfants dans les dernier 24 mois 800 +

Combien d'enfants l'Au Pair gardera? 2

Est-tu prêt à travailler pour un parent célibataire? Oui, avec la mère

L'Au Pair peut s'occuper des enfants handicapés

L'Au Pair est prêt à s'occuper des personnes handicapées

Groupe d'âge préféré des étudiants

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Sur moi

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